Career Timeline Project

  • Sign up for computer classes

    Computer classes will help you to learn how to develop websites.
  • Intro to Digital Technology class

    Take this Intro do Digital Technology class. It is a good class to take to get introduced into computers and developing websites
  • Practice creating your own websites

    Take your own time to create a website for practice.
  • Make sure your schedule is fit for you

    make sure that your second semester classes include computer classes that will help tech you web design.
  • Web Development Class

    Take web development. This class teaches you how to create and run websites
  • Take more computer classes

    Take classes that you think will benefit you for what you want to do. Try to complete a career cluster.
  • Practice code on is a great website to practice and learn coding for computers.
  • Consider taking harder computer classes

    you should consider taking harder computer classes if the classes you took this year were to easy. There are classes like AP Computer science that you could consider taking
  • Sign up for your classes next year

    If you are still interested in web design. Take more classes that can help you with this. Some classes that can help with web design include Graphics and design, Web development, Entrepreneurship, Ap Computer Science