Career path

Career Path Timeline

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    Piano Lessons

    I have been playing piano since i was around 6 years old. I enjoy spending my time practicing and playing such a beautiful instrument, and being born into a musical family, I have always considered having a career in the music "department". PLaying piano helps me to balance both aspects f my life - the logical and the creative. After I retire, I plan on becoming a piano teacher.
  • Special Achievements

    OELC - Ontario Educational Leadership Center
    Grade 7 nomination to attend (week long program) Attending OELC had positively impacted my career path because I was able to discover more about myself, and how to apply that knowledge to my future. I was a younger age, and it had helped me to have an early exposure to what my future would and could look like.
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    Volunteer Work

    Canadale's volunteering @ Kids Club By volunteering at Canadale's I was bale to learn the difference between skills and enjoyment - I enjoy spending time helping others, however, I do not want to spend the rest of my life working with and for clients and people. By having this experience, I was able to learn more about my interests and it has helped me define my career path for the future
  • Awards

    Grade 8 Graduation Ceremony - English, Visual Arts, Drama and Valedictorian awards - honours Earning these awards at grade 8 graduation helped me to target my strengths and interests - knowing more about myself has helped me open and close new doors to certain career paths that I can consider in my future
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    Graduate High school - age 17 Graduating high school will help better my career path because of all the knowledge and concepts I have learned throughout the years. I have taken courses that I am interested and I know I will apply and use in my future - I will also build upon those "blocks" in my post secondary education
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    Volunteer Work

    CECI Junior Band By volunteering Wednesday and Friday mornings every week, I am able to take time off from working hard towards my career during the school day and spend time participating in things I enjoy - this event does not directly effect my career path, but reminds me that my career should not use all of my time, and I am allowed to have fun every so often
  • Awards

    Grade 9 Undergrad Ceremony - Enriched Science, Music, and Band awards - honours - PASCAL math competition award Earning these awards at undergrad helped me to better understand my skills and interests and to be able to compare them to my past strengths - knowing more about my developed skills has helped me confirm career options and open new doors I had not thought about before
  • 1st Job Interview

    Interview to become CIT (councilor in training) for Pearce Williams Christian Camp - This event impacted my career in a positive way because I have gained experience and knowledge and I am able to apply what I have learned to my future jobs and experiences like this one.
  • Student Council

    Become member of the Executive Council of Student Council Becoming a member of student council exec. would impact my career development by helping gain and target extra strengths I have and how I can apply them to "real life", and helping to benefit our school environment
  • Special Achievements

    OSLC - Ontario Student Leadership Center
    Nominated to represent CECI in Niagara Falls for Leadership program Being selected for this program impacted my career path because I am able to use what I will learn in my future (occupation, social situations, etc) and grow to new challenges and to further develop my skills.
  • Work Experience

    Pearce Williams - Councillor This job will help me in gaining experience with working in a casual, yet professional setting. I will gain more knowledge and will be able to apply the concepts to my future careers
  • Student Council

    Become Student Council President Becoming Student Council president can help impact my career path in a positive way, much like the other events, in the leadership division of my life. Becoming president would help to develop my leadership skills, and experience in organization and multitasking, along with planning for the future and adapting to certain situations
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    Post Secondary Education

    Begin University - McMaster, McGill, University of Toronto, Western Being accepted into university will help me gain the credentials and criteria to help me become an astrophysicist, and I will learn much more than academics. Living on my own, and relying on my own actions to provide will help me to become independent.
  • Start of Career

    Become an astrophysicist Becoming an astrophysicist effects my career path because it is what I will (hopefully) be spending the majority of my life doing, and it is something I believe that I will enjoy. Overall it will make me a much happier person to know that I have achieved my career goal
  • Relocate

    Move to Europe - Age 30 Moving to Europe will greatly effect my career path in the sense of changing opportunities. It will close many doors for jobs in Canada, but open multiple elsewhere
  • Life Change - Family

    Adopt a child - age 30 Adopting a child will effect my career path, because I might have to make certain changes for their betterment. They could be positive or negative, and I need to be able to make those sacrifices
  • Retirement

    Retire - Age 60 Even though it is when I retire, it is not the end of my career path - I plan to become a piano teacher, to help teach students of all ages the joy of music as I was showed when I was younger.