Career Outlook

  • High School Junior Year

    The time to take engineering, calculus, and science classes. Try to not fail them because that is bad since GPA is important for college. Also strive to get a good SAT score by studying and being smart but you can always take it again
  • High School Senior Year

    Take advanced Physics, internship, and EDD
    Also visit and prepare for college
  • High School Graduation

    Congrats and have fun in college
  • College Move

    The move to College of Freshman year and get ready for it all
  • Period: to

    College Freshman

    Have some fun but also get good grades because the first 2 years are the hardest because you have to take physics and advanced mathematics
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    College Sophomore

    Similar to Freshman year but a little better because more college experience, but still hard classes
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    College Junior

    This is the optimum year in college because the hard physics and math classes are over and you can take engineering classes, such as Differential equations, Physics, Dynamics, Electrical Energy Conservation, and you can take any you do not have room for in Senior Year
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    College Senior

    The the best year of college, fun but also the best classes for an engineering career. Take any extra classes missed from junior year in addition with new ones such as Circuits and Electronics.
  • College Graduation

    Congrats and go find a job
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    Job Search #1

    The moment right out of college, the first moment of true life changing opportunity. Apply to interview at multiple job sites, update website and resume, and once the interviews are totally nailed go for the most favorable job.
  • Job #1

    Have fun at the new job
  • Buy an apartment

    By this time the personal life should be coming together to make an ideal home and possibly for someone else too. But beware, the second one is tricky.
  • Get promoted or leave

    In my opinion, first jobs usually are not the best, but are essential to get started. once started however, if not moved up at all, try to get a better job, which should be easier because of the added experience.
  • House

    Apartments get old pretty fast and its time for a house
  • Mortgage

    A house is cool and everything but these are not that cool.
    A good job should to the trick though.
  • Job #2

    eventually everyone moves on from Job 1 and starts making bank.
  • Marry

    yo if your not married by 30 I am not sure your OK