Historian 4

Career - Historian

By ng3124
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    When I graduate McCook Central, I hope to graduate as my class Valedictorian. I know this is a high hope, but I believe that it is not impossible by any means. Then, to add just one more thing, I would like to graduate high school knowing that I did everything I wanted to do. This means that I hope to be able to say that I have no regrets throughout my four years.
  • First Day of College

    First Day of College
    Because I haven't really thought of my future very seriously yet, I have no clue where I want to attend college. However, I feel that Minnesota State University-Mankato could be a possible option. Here, the yearly tuition is roughly $15,956.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    When I graduate from college, I hope that I will be able to say I maintained at the very least a 3.8 GPA all my years. Along with this, if I do not play a college sport, I hope to get a regular every-day job. Then, finally, depending on what my major is, I hope to complete internships or voluteer work to become more involved in whatever it is I will be doing.
  • First Day on the Job

    First Day on the Job
    If I could work anywhere, I think that it would be incredible to work as a historian at the National Archives Museum in Washington D,C. This, to me, would be my absolute dream job. Here, the average salary ranges anywhere from $90,000 to $100,000. I most likely wouldn't get this amount immediately, but overtime, my salary could increase to this.
  • Earn my Doctoral Degree

    Earn my Doctoral Degree
    If I actually do get a career involving history or teaching, I hope to eventually go back and attain my Doctoral Degree. This to me would help me feel like I pushed myself to be the best I could be in my career. Not only that, I feel that ultimately, it would help me become more qualified and fit for my job.
  • Job Promotion

    Job Promotion
    If I were a historian at whatever museum or organization it may be, I would hope to sometime get promoted in my job. Instead of maybe just being a historian, I think that it would be neat to possibly get promoted to a manager of the place I work at. In other words, instead of just being the employer of my boss, I would hope to maybe be the boss of my own employers.
  • Write & Publish a Book

    Write & Publish a Book
    If I excell in my career and impact others in some way, I think that it would be neat to write and publish a book on my studies or whatever I feel is interesting. Yes, this does sound somewhat crazy considering the fact that I have no sense of direction. However, ultimately, I do not think it is such a completely unreasonable goal or dream.
  • Retirement

    After I retire, I hope to travel widely throughout the United States as well as the world. This would truly be a dream of mine. Also, I hope to possibly teach piano lessons. Then, finally, I would like to just relax and spend time with my family and grandchildren that I hope to have.