Normal heart

Cardiovascular Advances

  • Discovery of Blood Types

    Discovery of Blood Types
    Karl Landsteiner discovered that people have different blood types. This enabled blood transfusions to be done safely.
  • Blood Banks

    Blood Banks
    Charles Drew showed that emergency transfusions could successfully be done with plasma if whole blood was not available. During World War II, Drew began blood banks and helped save millions of lives on and off the battlefield.
  • Treatment for "Blue Babies"

    Treatment for "Blue Babies"
    Helen Taussig identified the condition that makes some newborn babies's skin to be bluish in color. She discovered that this was lack of oxygen in their blood. Taussig and another surgeon Alfred Blalock developed an operation to save the babies' lives.
  • First Heart Transplant

    First Heart Transplant
    Christiaan Barnard performed the first heart transplant of a human heart.
  • Artificial Heart

    Artificial Heart
    Robert Jarvik invented the artificial heart.
  • Laser Beam Unclogs Arteries

    Laser Beam Unclogs Arteries
    The United States government approved a device taht uses a laser beam to brun away the material causing blockage in some arteries.