

  • Mar 18, 1000


    The Single Most Important commercial use of lead is in the manufacture of lead-acid storage batteries (see battery, electric).
  • Mar 21, 1250


    It is also used as an n-type dopant in semi conductive electronic devices.Arsenic is also used in numerous pesticides, herbicides and insecticides though this practice is becoming less common as more of these products are banned
  • Dec 8, 1500


    Zinc is used in building cars and die castings. Die castings are largely used in the electrical and hardware industries. Zinc is also used to galvanize metals.
  • Antimony

    It is used in semiconductor and metal alloys such as printing.
  • Platinium

    Contactors used in heating elements and thermocouples for measuring high temperatures. It has uses in jewelry and medicine for the preparation of some antitumor drugs and dental fillings.
  • Nickel

    Nickel is mainly used as alloys having many applications where control dilation interested confer special mechanical properties, enhance corrosion resistance, having specific magnetic properties or electrical conductivity decrease
  • Nitrogen

    One of the main uses is the manufacture of fertilizers, although it is used to prepare explosive, some dyes and for the manufacture of ammonia.
  • oxigen

    It is used for refining steel in the steel industry, for the industrial preparation of many chemicals, such as sulfuric and nitric acids, acetylene and epoxyetano.
  • Chlorine

    Chlorine is used in water treatment and in the manufacturing process of paper, plastic, chemical cleaners and other products. Chlorine is used in liquid or compressed gas
  • Aluminium

    Its high thermal conductivity, is used in cookware and pistons in internal combustion engines.
  • Fluorine

    Is used to make polymers such as Teflon (-F2C-CF2-) which is a heat resistant resin and chemicals, freon (CF2C2), dentifrices (sodium fluorophosphate) and water treatment (KF).
  • Argon

    Also used as inert gas welding some metals and prevent oxidation of the metals during the welding process. Has applications in the laboratory for the manufacture of silicon crystals.
  • Helium

    In people with asthma and other respiratory problems are also commonly used mixtures of oxygen and helium as its lower density and greater fluidity make breathing easier. Also used as an inert atmosphere in arc welding for light metals such as aluminum and magnesium alloys which can be oxidized if the welding is performed in the presence of oxygen, helium protects the heated portions of the attack by the air
  • Radium

    The radio has been for a long time the only radioisotope used therapeutic irradiation treatments. Irradiation with radio has a harmful effect on living cells, and overexposure occurs burns. Cancer cells, however, are often more sensitive to radiation than normal cells, and can be killed without seriously damaging healthy tissues if appropriately controls and directs radiation. The radius is now used only in the treatment of a few types of cancer.
  • Krypton

    Krypton is used alone or with argon and neon in light bulbs. Emits a crisp characteristic orange-red shock tube, these are used to illuminate runways because red light is visible from long distances, penetrate fog and has more range than ordinary light. In 1960 the International Commission on Weights and Measures adopted as a standard for the underground 1,650,763.73 wavelengths of light emitted by the isotope krypton - 86.
  • Polonium

    Isotopes of polonium are a good source of pure alpha radiation. They are used in nuclear research with elements such as beryllium to emit neutrons when bombarded with alpha particles. Also used in devices that ionize the air to remove electrostatic charge in some photography and printing processes.
  • Neon

    It is used in discharge tubes pure or mixed with mercury vapor and argon to get different colors. It is also used helium-neon lasers. Uses liquid neon instead of liquid hydrogen for cooling. Has a cooling power 40 times higher than the liquid helium
  • Actinium

    It is a soft radioactive metal that glows in the dark. Isotopes are known with mass numbers between 209 and 234, the most stable 227Ac has a half life of 21.7 years. The 227Ac a decay product of 235 U, is a beta-emitter with its main decay products are thorium-227, radium-223 and several short-lived isotopes of radon, bismuth, polonium and lead. In equilibrium with its decay products, is a powerful alpha radiation emitting source.
  • Radon

    Uranium ores emit radon and radioactive emanations presence in parts thereof reveal the existence of such minerals, which is a geochemical prospecting technique. This isotope can be used in the treatment of certain malignancies. The gas is placed in a tube, usually made ​​of glass or gold, called seed radon, which is inserted into the diseased tissue.
  • Franicium

    Francio use is limited to the formation of alkoxides (metal legacy alcohols) such as CH3CH2OFr.
    The reason is that for physicochemical evidence and position in the periodic table, it is known that the francium is the most electronegative of all elements. This means that their bonds are very strong, and therefore, it is difficult to break into a Sinesis or chemical method. It is true that dictates its reactivity instability, because the compounds formed by this are exceedingly stable.
  • Plutonium

    It is used as nuclear fuel for power plants and, unfortunately, for nuclear weapons. One kilogram is equivalent to about 22 million kilowatt-hours. Complete detonation of one kilogram of plutonium produces an explosion equivalent to 20,000 tons of chemical explosive. Its importance lies in the property of being readily fissionable with neutrons and its availability in substantial amounts as estimated annual production of around 20,000 kg.
  • Americium

    243Am target used in particle accelerators or nuclear reactors for the production of heavier synthetic elements. 241Am is used as a gamma radiation source to perform scans, but causes serious overexposure. Has also been used as a controller of thickness in the flat glass industry as a source of decoupling for smoke detection devices.
  • Dubnium

  • Uranium

    Devices used in inertial guidance, gyroscopes, as a counterweight for aircraft control as shielding material . Uranium metal is used as white on radiographs of high energy X- rays , nitrate has been used as photographic toner , and the acetate is used in analytical chemistry.
  • Phosphorus

    White phosphorus is used in the preparation of rat poison, insecticides and in the fireworks industry.
    Red phosphorus is used to make matches
  • Tin

    Is also used in the titanium alloy in the aerospace industry and as an ingredient in some insecticides
  • Iron

    Pure iron has limited use. Most of the iron used in processed forms such as wrought iron and steel.
  • Gold

    coins and jewelry.
  • Silver

    Silver is also used to manufacture electronic components and electrical cable and high-speed semiconductor good conductivity.
  • Copper

    The copper coin has been used throughout history and also for cooking utensils, vats and decorative objects. Long been used to protect the bottom of the wooden vessels
  • Carbon (pre-history)

    Carbon (pre-history)
    power generation, steel and cement manufacturing and industrial heating processes
  • Sulfur (pre-history)

    Sulfur (pre-history)
    Is also used in the manufacture of matches for the vulcanized rubber and finely divided and mixed with lime, as a fungicide for plants.