spy museum
this is on of the pros of the tripabout this is that it teaches about spys and espeanosh wich is and important part of our past wars. -
bad spys
This would be a con if you where wanting youe child to learn abou treal spys because it also has fake and movie spys that are not real. -
hands on spy
Another pro would be that it has alot of hands on activities for you to do while your the that also teches your student how spys lived. -
the ride
a con to the trip is the eghit hour ride and it is long you stop for fast food and bathroom and it is boring -
this is one of the first things that you will do and it is a important thing that shows how respected the dead are in the military -
JFK memorial
the jfk is very cool and will be a good place for your child to learn but it is also not the most happy place for a feild trip -
arlington view
if your child likes a view then this is the feild trip for your child this place is the most view frendly place -
galaxy smithsonian
this is one of the cooler things in the smithsonian is the air and space if your child likes plaines or spaships this is the best place you could go -
ar smithsonian
this one of the coolest tghings there if your child likes art ot sculptures this art park was very uniqe and fun but it isnt completly done so it isnt that great for every thing there was alot of imcomplete so not that great -
animal museum
the smithsonians also had very detailed ecological displays so if your and animal lover then this is the place for you -
if you like old tv shows and news and some of the biggest storys in history then the newseum is one of the coolest places to visit it sounds boring and if you arent intersted in new then it is -
the newsum is a uniqe place frromt he other museum and it is exseptionaly cool it has cool news it has every new story in america anytime -
washington is a cool place in the winter because there arent htat many people there but if you go when it is warm it is very many people which is bad