Capstone Life Story

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    Early Childhood

    I was born in Saint Paul, MN on December 11th, 2000. I've been raised in a Christian home- my dad is an elder at our church and my mom runs the music there. Church camps were the highlight of my year and I've grown up going to camp ever since. I hung out with my neighbors a lot, and also my church and school friends. My Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Thigpen and Mrs. Carlson, were huge influences at an early age and I still remember them and their infectious love for the Lord.
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    My elementary experience could not have been better. I was a true tomboy when I was in elementary school. I would play kickball and football on the hill with the guys (favorite part of the day). I played softball and it was my favorite sport ever. I took piano lessons and remember them super well. I competed in contests and performed in many recitals with piano and voice. It's so hard to pick a favorite teacher in this time but I'd say it's Mossberg- she was a light and inspiration.
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    Middle School

    Very tough time involving a lot of identity and self-image issues. I had friendships but they were unstable and toxic. Emotions were very up and down. I struggled with myself and who I was. I didn't look to God for much. Although, at the end of Middle School, I started to become close to who would now be my best friend for life (basically my sister), Lauren. These were tough years, but they had to happen and was a gateway to great high school experiences.
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    End of 8th Grade-Freshman Year

    One major event in my life was when my sister had spinal fusion surgery. 1/8/2015. It truly changed the way I looked at trials and prayer. My freshman year was full of me trying to find an identity, and it got hard at times. I was blessed to be able to go to Nashville for Choir Tour and go on Spring Break on a cruise with my best friend. I truly solidified my relationship with my best friend, Lauren, at this time, and I established my core group of friends as well (which was such a blessing).
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    Sophomore Year

    My boundaries were pushed in this year of my life. Classes got harder, insecurities got stronger, and friendships became cloudier (but not totally tested until Junior year). I tried out for All-State Choir and didn't make it, and I also didn't get past the first round in the piano state competition. Those "failures" taught me a lot and were hard on my confidence at first. Although, I had a lot of ups: I got to be a full-time starter for basketball, spring break in D.C., etc.
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    Junior Year

    Junior year was a test. I had a really hard time with one of my best friends and we started to fade apart- which was one of the hardest things ever. But I also got to go to Mexico where my faith was strengthened and heart was changed. It was my most successful year of basketball- setting 2 records. I also got into All-State Choir- finally! Even though my faith seemed strong, I still broke down and had a time of depression during this year. I learned so much about not only myself but others.
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    Senior Year

    What a ride. A lot of my summer involved a relationship that I was in that changed my heart forever but ultimately brought me closer to the Lord. I had the opportunity to go to Belmont for 2 music camps and All-State! Basketball was the best season yet- full of close bonds and so much love and fun. My sister has been one of the biggest supports this year. My relationship with God is stronger than ever. Now I am deciding on my future ahead!
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    I am still deciding... it'd be a dream come true to be in Nashville for college, but we are still praying and figuring out how I can get there. My parents are such a blessing and I am so grateful that they are helping me every step of the way. My friends have also been the best through this process helping me to grow.
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    I hope to do what I love for the rest of my life- music. I hope to make at least some impact on other people's lives through teaching and relationships. I hope to maybe open up a performing arts conservatory or be a professor. God-willing these things will be a reality and I can serve God and others through music for the rest of my life.