Able Tasman becomes first European to find the North Island (‘Statenland’), 1642
Captain Cook mapped the whole of Aotearoa in series of 3 voyages, 1769-1777
Captain Cook mapped the whole of Aotearoa in series of 3 voyages, 1769-1777
First whaling ship in NZ 1791
Europeans first landed in Canterbury 1815
New Zealand Company founded with aim to create English colonies in NZ, 1839
Treaty of Waitangi signed 6 Feb 1840
Canterbury Association first founded
The Randolph anchored in Lyttleton
The Charlotte Jane anchored at Lyttleton
Sir George Seymour anchored in Lyttleton
The Cressy arrived in Lyttleton
Christchurch became a city by royal charter on july 31, 1856
Womens rights to vote ( first in the world )
Kate Sheppard memorial 1993