Cervical Cancer Screening
PAP Test is done. Take a swab from vagina and look at cells under microscope to find cancer and pre-cancer cells. Done every 3 years. -
Breast Cancer Screening
Mammogram can be done starting at this age if breasts seem abnormal. If breasts are not abnormal test is not necessary. Mammograms are low dose x-rays to find cancer cells in the breast tissue. -
Colon Cancer Screening
Based on family history, genetics, and environmental factors colon cancer screening can be necessary at this time. Different tests are necessary for the different extents of the cancer possibility. -
Breast Cancer Screening
Starting at 45 mammograms should be done every year. Mammograms are a low level x-ray to look for abnormal cells in breast. -
Colon Cancer Screening
Starting at 45 colon cancer should start to get screened for. This is for all people with an average risk. -
Lung Cancer Screening
At age 55 if history or smoking or exposure to the risk factors of lung cancer then early screening should be done. A low dose CT scan is taken to detect the early lung cancer. The low dose exposes patient to less radiation. -