Internment of Ukrainian Canadians 1914-20 (Contracting UofO)- Catherine Hewak
War Measures Act
War Measures Act
The Record This event in Canadian history was one when the Universe of Obligation restricts. However, years later it expands, when apologies and compensation were finally given to the people that were affected by this law. Roseanne Greco -
Treaty of Versailles (Expanding U of O) - Jim B.
Representatives of countries that won WWI met in Paris, France to negotiate treaties that would officially end the war
www.historylearningsite.co.uk -
The Persons Case--Joanne Nicholls
Famous Five Expands C of O. This allowed women the status of persons in Canada and enabled women to pursue careers in anything, participate in political structures that they had been excluded from previously and allowed women the same rights as men. Joanne Nicholls -
On-to-Ottawa Trek (Expanding U of O) - P. Sheahan
Internment of Japanese Canadians - Rob McKenzie
Shortly after Japan's entry into World War II on December 7, 1941, Japanese Canadians were removed from the West Coast. “Military necessity” was used as a justification of the mass removal (universal restriction). The exclusion from the west coast was to continue for four more years until 1949. The massive injustice was not served an apology until 1988 (universal obligation expands). -
Canadian Liberation of the Netherlands
Liberation of the NetherlandsThe website and related newspaper articles speak of Canada's role in the Liberation of the Netherlands. This great historical moment in Canadian history is an eample of our expanding sense of Universe of Obligation. Mike Wagter -
Introduction of Points System - Steve Jones
Expanding Obligation- introduced to assess independent applicants on basis of education, skills, personal qualities, and occupational demand. While Canada still remained "selective" in whom it would accept as immigrants, the long-term effect has been a change in Canada's cultural/social fabric and the emergence of a more multicultural society. -
Fun reading! The CRTC both expands (for Canadian artists) and contracts (for non-Canadian artists) our universe of obligaion. - Christopher Powles -
Bill C-31 Amends Indian Act - Lindsay Salvador
This Bill allowed for the amending of the Indian Act to allow status women to marry non-status men and still keep their status. Prior to this time, a status woman would lose her status if she married a non-status man, despite the fact that a status man could keep his status if he married a non-status woman. -
Harper Apologizes for Head Tax ( expanding U of O) -T. Hawthorne
Residential Schools Apology - Allison Cillis
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper puts out a statement of apology to former students of Indian Residential Schools. https://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100015644/1100100015649 -
Bill C-51 - raises questions about our universe of obligation - Krista Brodersen
Senator Mike Duffy Investigation - Steve Badger
Canada's Information Commissioner has had to take the PMO to court in order to get them to release Senate documents relating to the Mike Duffy investigation. The PMO has been uncooperative in this investigation which could have been detrimental for the PM's bid for re-election in October 2015. Expanding sense of Universe of Obligation -
Internment of Japanese Canadians-ContractingUofO-Maria D
The War Measures Act was used to target people with Japanese ancestry. People lost property, occupations, etc and were interned in camps. Some of those interned were born in Canada.
The event is an example of contracting U of O. -
1923 Georgetown Armenian Boys (Expanding UofO)- D. Brown
Georgetown Armenian Boys
http://www.corningcentre.org/georgetown-armenian-boys.html Ontario Heritage Trust
http://www.heritagetrust.on.ca/News-and-Events/2011/Jun/Provincial-plaque-commemorates-The-Armenian-Boys-.aspx -
May 2008, The British Columbia legislature extended an apology for the 1914 Komagata Maru incident (Expanding UofO) Joe Bower
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
The History of The CharterOn April 17, 1982 The Constitution Act of 1982 is signed. Canada becomes completely independent of Great Britain. Human Rights become entrenched because the Constitution Act includes The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (Expanding U of O)