
Canadian Immigration

  • Apr 25, 1000

    The Vikings

    The Vikings
    The First Group to come to Canada (as immigrants) are the Vikings. They settled on the Northern tip of the northern peninsula of Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Period: Apr 25, 1000 to

    immigration dates

  • The Acadians

    The Acadians
    The Acadians were French settlers and came to settle at Port Royal, Nova Scotia and they came with Samuel De Champlain.
  • New France

    New France
    Samuel Champlain founded New France on a high bluff over-looking the St. Lawrence River.
  • The German Settlers

    The German Settlers
    About 312 German settlers came to Canada around this time.
  • Europeans :D

    Europeans :D
    A large number of europeans came to Canada due to economic changes which left many people in destitute.
  • The Irish

    The Irish
    Many Irish people had to flee their country because of "The Great Potato Crop Failure". People were getting sick form the disease cholera which forced many people to flee to Canada from Ireland.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    When gold was discovered along the cariboo river in people form Asia, America and Europe came to Canada.
  • The Mennonites

    The Mennonites
    The mennonites settled in the prairies and they came to Canada because "The land was cheaper" and they were promised that they wouldn't have to join the military.
  • Icelanders

    Some Icelanders left to Canada because of volcanic eruptions. Some of the people settled in Gimli.