Aug 30, 1500
European arrival
The first European super powers have started to explore the west. -
Period: Aug 30, 1500 to
European exploration
Aug 30, 1513
Balboa's Voyage
Balboa landed in Central America and crossed land to see the Pacific ocean. -
Aug 30, 1519
Magellan voyages around the world
From 1519 to 1522 Magellan's crew ( Magellan himself died on the journey) travels around the world, making them the first people to ever go around the world. -
Aug 30, 1534
Jaques Cartier's first voyage towards the west
Explored and mapped the Gulf of St-Lawrence, reported what he thought was gold but lots of fish, timber, and furs. -
Aug 30, 1535
Jaques Cartier's second voyage to the west
Sailed up the St-Lawrence, reached Stadacona (Quebec). Nice natives showed Europeans how to survive winter and scurvy. They return with native captives (incl. Chief Donacona) -
Aug 30, 1541
Jaques Cartier's third voyage to the west
Attemped to set up a colony (not successful). Missionaries attempted to convert natives. France lost interest for 60yrs. -
Sep 4, 1542
Establishment of Ville Marie (Montreal).
Maisonneuve comes to New france to start a trading post. This trading post is called Ville Marie, which today is Montreal. -
The Establishment of Port Royal
An attempt of colonization, located in Nova Scotia. It failed due to the fact of the eastern location, meaning that trading with the natives, whom were located more western, was very difficult. -
Samuel de Champlain arrives near Stadacona (Quebec city)
The first successful settlement in Canada. -
Champlains new map of New France
Champlain's settlement is actually lasting this long. This is his map. -
Laviolette's establishment (Trois riviere)
First commandant in trois rivieres. Came with champlain. -
First Hosipital.
Jeanne Mance started the first hospital in her house in 1642. In 1644 she got funds to create an actual hospital(Hotel Dieu). -
First school.
Around 1653 Marguerite Bourgeoys came to Ville marie to educate the children. -
King louis the 14th comes to power
Louis the 14th is crowned at age 5. He has two primary goals for france: Settling the war in europe. Take control of his colonies. -
Royal government
The first real type of gouvernment in New France. The king still had complete control. Under him was the minister of the marine. Inside New france was the sovereign counsil which composed of the Governor and the Intendent and also a bishop. The leader of the people directly was the captains of militia. -
Treaty of Ryswick
The First Intercolonial War whcih Ends with the Treaty of Ryswick -
first three intercolonial wars
The First Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Ryswick 1697 -The Second Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Utrecht 1713-The Third Intercolonial War→Ends with the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle 1748 -
Fourth Intercolonial War
The Fourth Intercolonial War (a.k.a. the 7yrs War) FOUGHT IN QUEBEC CITY. Decided the fate of Canada today. The battle took place on the Planes of Abraham. The british won, due to smarter stratigies then the french. -
Distinct people in New France
The People of New France became distinct from those of France. The people of New France became Canadien. -
The rules that were put in place during the 3 year period where the english were taking over new france. New France lost the battle in 1760 but only signed the trety in 1763. The rules were as followed:
The French Militia could return home, no one would lose their propertyThe French Regular military would lay down their arms and leave.The people could practice the Roman.Catholic. religion, but the Bishop would have to leave. The people who stayed would become British Subjects. -
Treaty of Paris
All the Territory known as New France is given to the King of England except two small Islands, (St.Pierre, Miquelon). All of this because the war ended. -
1- It gives the King’s new colony a name, The Province of Quebec2- It decreases the borders to just around the St-Lawrence river valley. (The rest would be known as Indian Territory)3- Put in place a civilian Government to run the new Colony: The King appointed a Governor who then appointed members of an Executive Council to advise him. 4- English Criminal and Civil laws were applied.
5- Unused land would be divided by the Township System6-No new Bishop would be allowed7-No Roman -
Quebec act
This act was to assure the loyalty of the french canadiens.
It gave them their civil rights back.
The test act was revomed so now the catholiques could join goverment. -
American Revolution
The King felt that the Americans should pay for the costs of the war.Stamp Act 1765→ Tax only on Americans, on all newspapers, legal docs.Declaratory Act→ King could pass laws on 13 coloniesTownshed Act → Duties on glass, paints, paper, and tea (Boston Tea Party)Quebec Act 1774→ Seen as the last straw And so the americans revolted. -
Treaty of Versailles
The British final defeat was in Yorktown 1781, and a peace treaty was signed in 1783. The British then accepted the United States as an independent country. -
Constitutional Act
Canada is seperated in two. Upper Canada is British and Lower is majorty French. The system of government is representative, which means that the assembly can vote laws however the counsil can still veto them. -
Once independant the Americans started to trade with france. The britains decided to intercept their ships. The Americans were angry and decided to attack the british colonie (Canada). These attacks were very unorganized so it failed. -
Third wave of immigrants
Many poor immigrants were coming from Great Britain (Ireland) in search of a better way of life. This is because of the potatoe famine in Ireland. The Irish would rather live in Canada then die of starvation in Ireland. -
92 Resolutions
The leader of the Patriotes was Louis Joseph Papineau. He wrote 92 Resolutions which was a list of things he wanted for the colonie. Britain laughed and wrote back the 10 Resolutions. Which basically said no to al the resolutions. -
Act of Union (the 4th constitution)
Canada consists of Canada East and West (former upper and lower Canada). Each one has 42 members to its assembly. Governor still had control and veto power. Canada east and west would equally pay for Canada’s debts (Canada West owed 10X). -
Responsible Government
Governor Lord Elgin would be the first to not use his veto powers, and allow the Prime minister(majority holder) to have executive powers. -
Reciprocity treaty with the USA
Britain put free trade in place. Meaning, they have no use going to Canada for all of their recourses. So, Canada and USA sign the Reciprocity treaty. This treaty abolished all duties and customes. This benifits the Canadians because USA has a much bigger market.