Canadian Conflict and Cooperation- A Timeline With Attitude

  • Britain Declares War Against Germany +2

    Britain Declares War Against Germany +2
    In 1914, continuing Germany's invasion, Britain has declared war against Germany. Canada then had to participate in the war as well because at the time Canada was ruled over by Britain. I rate this a +2 because one,I like that Britain were the first people to go against germany after all they have done and put them in their place. And looking at where we are today I believe we have progressed and moved on even though this will always be history everyone should unite to be one team
  • Montréal Summer Olympic +1

    I rate this a +1 because I feel that something like this surely was a big deal and a big worldwide event that triggered many athletes to compete however I think that I gave a pretty reasonable rating as its not the most important thing but its definitely an important historical significance outside of war. And something that will stay in Canadian history.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Declares war against Germany

    I rate this -1 because I feel that where we are today we haven't moved on exactly and I have a feeling something like this will happen again in the future though I hope not so I am in between.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Declares War against Germany +1

    Canadian Prime Minister Declares War against Germany +1
    On september of 1939, Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie Bowell decided to declare war against Germany. Once Britain declared war Canada was included as well however Canada got to choose whether to engage or not. When Germany wanted to invade poland, more than 650,000 Canadians contributed. However Canada was completely unready. The army expanded by 51,000 but had no modern equipment and only 6 destroyers and 20 modern combat.
  • The Summer Olympics -1

    The Summer Olympics -1
    On July 17, 1976, Montreal hosted the Summer Olympics to August 1. It was one of the most successful olympics with more than 6,000 athletes competing and representing 92 countries. The 1976 Montreal Summer Olympics was important to Canada because one, it was the largest international event to ever happen as well as was "the largest security operation in Canadian history". One long term impact of this historical significance are lost of profit, environmental damage etc.
  • The Free Trade Agreement

    I rate this +2 and believe that this is a big significant progress because this agreement is a very good agreement and treaty that will make it so easier to solve conflict related to business between countries instead of having to create a big war because of difference of opinions. And this agreement is made to solve future business barriers with both sides being on the same page so I think that its a big +2 and shows progress over the years and how opposites are starting to bond
  • The Free Trade Agreement +2

    The Free Trade Agreement +2
    On Jan 2nd, 1988 former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and President of the U.S Ronald Reagan as well as Mexico issued a Free trade Agreement also referred to as the FTA or CUSMA. The FTA was an agreement created to boost trades and put an end to tariffs. To add on it was also a way to make sure that any future laws will not cause problems nor obstacles in future business between the three countries.
  • The persian Gulf War

    I rate this a +2 significant progress, because with research I was able to understand that even after the big conflict with oil supplies both countries have became close and became allies for any future wars meaning they will back each other up if one decides to go to war and that shows that they have moved on and progressed over the years and hopefully have no bad blood between each other.
  • The Gulf War +2

    The Gulf War +2
    On August 1-2 Iraq Invaded a small but expensive part of Kuwait because they wanted to take control over the oil supply in the middle east. There were more than 4,000 Canadian soldiers who had fought, and their jobs were to stop Iraqi soldiers from invading and taking the oil supply. And the war was reported to have been a success. The long term effect/consequence was one, the war affected many people's lives who lived in Kuwait.