Canadian Dangerous Offender Legislation

  • The Habitual Offender Act passed

    The Habitual Offender Act was passed to keep repeat offenders in prison and away from the general public.
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    Habitual Offender Act

    The time the Habitual Act was around.
  • Sexual Psychopath Act passed

    The Sexual Psychopath Act was formed for dangerous sexual offenders to be identified and treated by medical professionals.
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    Sexual Psychopath Act

  • The Dangerous Sexual Offender Act

    The Dangerous Sexual Offender Act replaced the 1948 Sexual Psychopath Act
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    The Dangerous Sexual Offender Act

  • Habitual Offender Act ineffective.

    The Canadian Commitee on Corrections found the Habitual Offender Act ineffective.
  • Dangerous Offender Act passed

    Dangerous Offender Act replaced both Habitual Offender Act and Dangerous Sexual Offender Act.
  • Bill C-55 is enacted

    Bill C-55 is enacted to strengthen measures for dealing with dangerous offenders.
  • The Pig Farm Killer

    Robert Pickton, Canadian Serial Killer (Pig Farm Killer) is considered to fit the profile of a dangerous offender. He is reported to have killed over 50 victims from 1983-2002. Pickton was sentenced to imprisonment without eligible parole for 25, the longest running sentence for dangerous offenders available.
  • Tackling Violent Crime Act

    Bill C-2 also known as the Tackling Violent Crime Act, declaring that “Dangerous” Offenders under the presumption that the individual has committed 3 dangerous crimes (Murder, Rape, etc) or has served a minimum sentence of at least 2 years is considered to be Dangerous.
  • Svekla Case

    Thomas Svekla was deemed a dangerous offender by a judge in Edmonton in 2010. He was given a life sentence for the lives he took in the past including his girlfriend, prostitutes that had been sexually assaulted and left to die. After his sentence, the Supreme Court of Canada required a minimum of 10 year supervision as well as special programs.