1949 BCE
Canada Commitment to NATO
Canada makes a significant decision to join NATO as a independent country. Appearing to be like a wealthy and powerful country like Britain in global.
http://askdianne.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/commitment-to-work-commitment-downsizing.jpg -
1945 BCE
Expend Social assistance
Bring family allowance program to help families to cover child cost. It is called from Birth to death. Citizen is in more ease with the new program invent.
http://www.lakka.tv/articles/2015/01/07/providing-and-asking-for-help/media/help.jpg -
1945 BCE
CCF(Cooperative Commonwealth Federation)
After the war, Canada is improving citizen or resident's life conditions, benefits and wealth.
http://dhrd.hawaii.gov/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Benefits-Blocks.jpg -
1945 BCE
The discovery of Nature resource Oil
Canada finds out a ticket to enter international market. It makes a lot of effort on Canada economic.
http://www.mawaridegroup.com/upload/oilgas/oilgas1.jpg -
1939 BCE
Joining the WWII after a week
Supporting Britain and joining the war in far distance shows Canada is justice, loyalty, helpful and powerful.
http://aulss.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/justice.jpg -
1939 BCE
The Britain Common Wealth Air training Plan
Canada is willing to take the largest percentage of cost to support the war. It helps Canada gain better a better reputation.
http://efdreams.com/data_images/dreams/wealth/wealth-02.jpg -
1939 BCE
Total War
Helping as much troop, weapon and money as Canada can to win the victory. Canada is a determine country.
https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/659149988438536192/6YF3BWVz.png -
1935 BCE
The Great Depression
28,000 people were deported, because the government can't afford too many jobless people. It is unfair and injustice for those who are deported.
http://www.happyschools.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/deported-wright-state-university.jpg -
1935 BCE
Inequality Treaty
The government treats different people in a huge different attitudes. Aboriginal people receive $5 support while the normal citizen receive $20.
https://vsoicsifelodun.files.wordpress.com/2016/07/inequality.jpg -
1935 BCE
Relief camp
The government came up with a cheap labor and inefficient way of rescuing citizen, Relief Camp. People are working hard and long hours to gain only 20 cent a day.
http://knowbc.com/var/knowbc/storage/images/books/encyclopedia-of-bc/r/relief-camps/gallery/relief1/34388-1-eng-GB/relief1.jpg -
1931 BCE
Statute of Westerminister
Britain frees Canada completely, Canada can make up its own law and decision without informing any notices to Britain.
http://www.daniellestrickland.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/freedom-to-FLY.jpg -
1927 BCE
The Old Pension Act
Canada pass the act to take care elders. It is the first move of Canada society improving humans being. The government is caring and loving elders.
http://img.etimg.com/thumb/msid-25662503,width-310,resizemode-4,imglength-20057/implementation-of-pension-fund-regulatory-development-authority-act-major-task-fm-p-chidambaram.jpg -
1926 BCE
King-Byng Crisis
Canada again reject Britain request to dissolve Parliament, which makes Canada engages more to be independent.
http://www.ccfi.us/files/5914/3740/9688/CCFI_hmpgsliders_achieveindependence_chs071315.png -
1926 BCE
Balfour Report
Britain frees Canada as a self-governing like any other independent country. Canada is not belong to Britain by law.
http://media.istockphoto.com/photos/freedom-picture-id519471422?k=6&m=519471422&s=170667a&w=0&h=RTSVyxNZQ-EnvyYH6K4oJIfjNXi-HVyiElBRkEQI4oQ= -
1923 BCE
Halibut Treaty
Also the first time Canada makes an own decision without Britain permission. Canada is acting like a country.
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4l7fhxNrrrM/maxresdefault.jpg -
1922 BCE
Chanak Affair
The first time Canada refuses Britain requires to send troop to Turkey. A symbol of the beginning Canada to be a independent country.
http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2013-05-15-RejectStamp.jpg -
1920 BCE
The Group of Seven
A group of artists come up to create a new style of Canada art culture. Canada has its own country art since The Group of Seven forms.
http://ourhometowndeal.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/art.jpg -
1919 BCE
Paris peace conference
Base on the contribution in the WWI that Canada has, Canada gains a seat fairly.
http://penelopeironstone.com/1abcd.gif -
1917 BCE
Vimy Ridge
A meaningful victory shows Canada a greater role and feeling in the world. It firstly gain Canadian reputation in global.