Quebec's Padlock Law
Canada a peoples history episode 15
-It was an act of the province of Quebec by the union national goverment of Maurice Duplessis
-It was intended to prevent the assimilation of communist propoganada
It prohibits anyone to use or allow any person to make use of it to propogate communism or bolshevism -
Spies in Canada
Old CBC video
-Igor Gouzenko worked in the Soviet embassy in ottawa in 1943
-Soviet intellegence operated many spy networks in Canada and other countries around the world
-He first offered documents of other spies in Canada to the Canadien goverment
-the soviets tried to take him in but the Canadiens had already gotten the docments and 18/39 spies
-Gouzenko was thens a man who chose freedom over communism -
Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers in Canada part 1
France owned the whole area for a long time
France has problems during WWII, brings many people back home, control loosens
Japan comes in and does their thing for some time
Japan loses WWII France tries to regain control
Ho Chi Minh asks US to tell France to leave them alone
US (Pres Eisenhower) says that France is our friend, and has a historical right to the place -
Vietnam war part 2
Ho Chi Minh goes to communist China, and asks for their help, they agree
Vietnamese kick out French
Vietnam is divided - north communist, democratic south
UN plans to hold elections, to put the whole country together, on whichever system is victorious in the elections
A study/estimate/intelligence predicts that the north communists would win the election
US arranges for elections to be cancelled
North attacks south
US advisors sent
Gulf of Tonkin
US pulls out -
Berlin Blockade
berlin vid
- In 1948 the Soviets tried to force the allies to give up, the reastabilished rights to occupy western berlin
-They tried to block food lines to berlin
-it failed becuase the allies just did an airlift to bring food in
-this created more tension between soviets and the allies -
The Suez Crises and Lester Person wins Nobel Prize Part 1
Suez part 2suez part 1
-in 1948 the U.S. created Isreal to house the Jews who were effected by WWII
-Lter in 1948 the Israeli forces defeated the arab forces for more land
-A truce was made and was observed by the U.N. untill 1956
-Things that increased tension was the key location of Isreal which seperated Europe from africa, and its petroleam reserves -
The Suez Crises and Lester Person wins Nobel Prize Part 2
-The united states supporeted Isreal and the Soviet Union supporeted Iraq, Syria and Egypt
-Cold war superpowers (Britain, France United States and The Soviet Union) bought and tested their weapons from clients
-In 1957 Lester Person won the nobel prize with his help towrds the suez crises.
-Pearson created a mandate for a U.n peacekeeping force
-The suez crises helped contribute to the making of Canadas indepenndence from Britain
-Pearson created the idea of the maple leaf -
International Alliance: Nato part 1
Nato's history
-Canada and the U.S. became worried about the spread of communism
-NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Orginization
-In 1955 the soviets created their own version with their allies called warsaw pact
-Countries started to create a new arms race
-After what happend in Hiroshema and Nawasoki, the nuke has been favoured and it was a race to see who could get the most nukes -
International Alliance: Nato part 2
-By 1971 Canada declared that their were not building anymore missiles and to prove they wanted peace they got rid of their missile sites. -
Avro Arrow
Avro arrow
-In 1949 Canada created a super sonic jet called the Avro Arrow
-The Avro Arrow was created to deffened against Soviet bombers
-In decemeber 1953 they tried to get the Liberals to allow them to make 2 protoypes
-The Avro Arrow was terminated on febuary 20th 1959 -
The Forgotten War: The Korean War
The Korean War
-In 1950 Communist North Korea and Communist China attack South Korea
-Amarica persuaded the United nations to aid South Korea, only 16 countries decided to help South Korea
-Canada ranked 3rd in the Aid to South Korea
-25,000 Canadien troops were sent
-By 1953 1000 Canadien troops were injured and over 400 were killed
-Canadiens stayed till 1955 to maintain the truce -
Continental Aliances: Dew line
-The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line began on 15 February 1954
-The DEW Line was designed and built during the Cold War as the primary air defence warning line in case of an over-the-pole invasion of the North America
-58 sites were constructed in just over two years. Tons of equipment was brought to the Arctic to build the DEW Line stations -
Sputnik and Canadas Space Program Part 1
Sputnik Launch
-On October 4th 1957 the USSR launched sputnik an artificial earth satalite
-The U.S. thought of it as a threat even though it was proved to be harmless
-The reason that the U.S. saw sputnik as a threat was because they thought the rocket that launched it could launch nukes anywhere around the world in minutes
-In response the U.S. created NASA on july 29th 1958
-Canada created a program for space deffence -
Sputnik and Canadas Space Program Part 2
-in 1962 the Canadiens launched their own artificial satalite called the Alouette -
Continental Alliance: NORAD
NORAD? -The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is an organization which is responsible for promoting the safety and sovereignty of North America -
Diefenbaker, Bomarc missile and nuculear warheads in Canada
Bomarc missile
-was created because of the termination of the Avro Arrow program
-Another contraversial thing was to add nucular wareheads to them
-in 1960 they debated wheather to have them as nukes or not
-In the end the opposition leader switched to not wanting to wanting which helped him win the election
-By 1963 canada had its first Bomarc nuke -
Cuban Missile crises part 1
Cubamn Missile Crissis
- In 1962, the Soviet Union was desperately behind the United States in the arms race
-Soviet missiles were only powerful enough to be launched against Europe but U.S. missiles were capable of striking the entire Soviet Union
Meanwhile, Fidel Castro was looking for a way to defend his island nation from an attack by the U.S. Ever since the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, Castro felt another invasion -
Cuban Missile crissis part 2
-A U-2 was shot down over Cuba and EX-COMM received a second letter from Khrushchev demanding the removal of U.S. missiles in Turkey in exchange for Soviet missiles in Cuba.
-Tensions finally began to ease on October 28 when Khrushchev announced that he would dismantle the installations and return the missiles to the Soviet Union, expressing his trust that the United States would not invade cuba -
Hockey series in Soviet Russia
Hockey Game
-8 game series between Soviet Russia and Canada
-Ntionalism was on the line between Soviet Russia and Canada
-Experts predicted the soviets would not win a single game -The Canadien players and fans got respect and admiration from the soviets -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Fall of the berlin wall
-West and east protested about the wall
-In early October people crossed the wall in the 10's of thousands a day
-Gaurds had no lethal power so people left without papers -
Fall of the Soviet Union
Fall for the soviets
-On december 21st 1991 Soviet President mikhail gobachev resighned and handed over the nuke codes to Russian President Borris Yeltsin
-Later that day they lowered the soviet flag and raised the Russian flag and it was marked that the cold war was over