Canadas History

  • Jan 1, 1535

    Canada is named from the Native algonquin word for village - 'Kanata'

  • Period: to

    europeans introduce Huron to disease

    Half the huron die because they have no resistance
  • Treaty 6

    Treaty #6 is an aggreement between the Canadian Monarch and the Plain and Wood Cree Indians
  • Royal Proclamation of 1763

    it was issued October 7, 1763, by King George III perceddng Great Britain's acquisition of French land. the realtionship between the Aborigionials and the government is established.
  • red river settlers establish themselves in ruperts land

    red river settlers establish themselves in ruperts land
  • Canadas confederation.

    Canadas confederation.
    canada becomes a country. John A. MacDonald is canadas first prime minister.
  • HBC Buys Ruperts Land and rename it to Northwest Terroritories

    HBC Buys  Ruperts Land and rename it to Northwest Terroritories
    HBC buys ruperts land for 1.5 M
  • Bison herds deciminated by european demand.

    the resources the natives depended on are rapidly diminishing. they have slim choice tobut to start purchasing mass-produced items such as copper kettles and steel utensils. many Metis leave Manitoba and migrate to the nothwest.
  • Saskatchewan joins canada

    Saskatchewan joins canada
  • Alberta Joins Canada

  • last federally run school closes

  • Nunavut becomes a province

    Iqaluit is named its capital
  • French and British square off

    France and Britian square off in a final round of struggle in the french and indian war