The chanak affair
Britian was at war with turkey at Chanak. Britian asked for Canada;s support, Canada declined, King replied that Canadian government had to decide wether to send troops or not, this was a change from the situation in 1914 when britian was envolved in the world war. -
Halibut Treaty
Canada and united states worked out agreement on the fishing season on halibut in the north pacific. Britian did not sign this treaty and canada won the right to sign treaties with other countries on its own -
The balfour report
Here, king talks at the imperial conference. He helped Canada to become a self-governing and indipendant country,Canada was still to remain in the commmonwealth of nations. Also Canada would no longer talk to Britian through the governon general. -
King-byng affair
( month and day are off) Julian byng , governor general refused to dissoolve parliament and call an election when king requested it. This led to king clarifying the role of the governer general at the next imperial conference. -
New Foreign embasssies
(wrong day and month) Canada open its first embassy in the united states, fowllowing year embassies were opened in France and Belgum -
Statue of west minister
British Government passed statue of west minister, Canada was made completely self governing . In two areas Canada did not claim full independance. One court higher than the supreme court of canada ( Judicial committee of the privy) and amending formula provinces and federal government could not change the BNA ACT.