Global trade 1

Canadian Trade

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Cabot discovers Newfoundland

    Cabot, looking for spices, finds fish!
  • throughout 1500's &1600's trade with England

    England ships supplies for settlers; Canada exports furs
  • James Bay fort

    a fort in James Bay is built for the fur trade. This will become the Hudson Bay Company.
  • in 1700's USA trades with the Caribbean

    US trades with the Caribbean: the USA exports food; imports sugar
  • Trade with the US

    througout the 1800's trade with the US increases
  • Fur trade diminishes

    Fur becomes less desirable; silk becomes more desirable; fur trade diminishes due to lack of demand and overtrapping
  • Confederation

    Canada becomes a nation, partially because of fears of US dominance
  • Canadian Pacific Railway

    1885 Canadian Pacific Railway is built linking BC to the rest of Canada
  • Trade with Japan

    Post World War II, trade with Japan increases; mainly electronics, inexpensive toys and novelties

    The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a comprehensive trade agreement that sets the rules of trade and investment between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.
  • CETA

    CETA brought in (Comprehensive Economic and trade Agreement) with the EU
  • CJEPA and other fta

    CJEPA (Canada-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement) is in the works; many free trade agreements are in place
  • HBC formed

    The North West Company merges with the British Hudson's Bay Company (HBC)