Canada's Role in the Cold War

By Cale11
  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    -Quebecs government passed a law making it illegal to publish or print any type of propaganda
    -if caught the sentence was 3-13 months in prison
    -the law was struck down in 1957 because claimed to be uncoventional
  • Spies in Canada: Gouzenko affair

    Spies in Canada: Gouzenko affair
    • 109 documents were found about soviet spies in the west -Igor Gouzenka was a cipher clerk for the soviet embassy in canada -always wore a full mask to cover his face, to hide his face as he had put in protection progams
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    berlin Blockade video- the USSR tried to take control of berlin, after ww2 the russains had half of germany's land and half of berlin.
    -The USSR tried to cut off food supplies into the west side of berlin, the allies used air drops to get west berlin food
  • International Alliances: NATO/Warsaw pact

    International Alliances: NATO/Warsaw pact
    • NATO and the warsaw pact were practically the same thing, the Warsaw Pact being soviet and the NATO being all of the allies
    • they are both a military based alliances between multiple nations
  • "The Forgotten War" The Korean War

    "The Forgotten War" The Korean War
    the korean war video
    - between democracy in the south and communism in the north
    - the alliances in this war was the biggest problem because the worlds biggest superpowers were on seperate sides both trying to influence as many countries as they can with there ways
  • UN peacekeeping suez crisis and pearson wins nobel peace prize

    UN peacekeeping suez crisis and pearson wins nobel peace prize
    • the Egyptian government took over the suez canal not allowing any ships to pass through, the canal is the connection between the indian ocean and the meditrainian -cairo, egypts capital city was bombed many times until the canal was then free sea for boats to pass through -lester b. pearson won the nobel peace prize for the resolution of the crisis in the suez canal
  • Continetal Alliances: NORAD and The Dew Line

    Continetal Alliances: NORAD and The Dew Line
    The DEW line story- NORAD is a combined organization between Canada and the United States to protect north america and provide air sovergnity
    - the DEW was set up to detect soviet bombers in the northern Artic or to detect and type of sea to land invasion of North America
    - THe DEW line was aseries of radars set up along the north Artic and in greenland, iceland and the aluetian islands of alaska
  • Sputnik and canada's program

    Sputnik and canada's program
    sputnik launched
    - sputnik was a soviet satelite that was visible to the entire world crating the sputnik crisis
    - this was the beginning of of the space age and the space race
    - In 1962, Canada became the third nation to launch a satelite into orbit, with the launch of the Aloutte 1.This was a great achievment for Canada, showing its technological capabilities
  • Avro Arrow and it's cancellation

    Avro Arrow and it's cancellation
    Avro Arrow first flight
    - Avro Arrow took it's first flight on March 25, 1958
    - feb 29 was the date the Avro Arrow was cancelled
    - one of the best planes of it's time could travel of speeds up to mach 3
    - After the cancellation the companny Avro was put out of business
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    Kennedy addresses the UNited states - the soviets had moved missiles into soviet allie cuba, which is extremely close to the southern part of the state of florida.
    - the americans had to find a way to combat this, they set up a blockade, dissalolowing russian nuclear transport ships to rerach there destination, cuba
    - eventually the russian transport ships were sent home after the US agreed to move there missile in eastern europe approximetly the same distance to russia as cuba is to florida
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc missiles and nuclear warheads in Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc missiles and nuclear warheads in Canada
    Bomarc Missiles- CIM-10 Bomarc missile was a supersonic air defense missile
    - the Bomarc missile was extremely contraverseal in Canada, Diefenbaker agreed to deploy the missiles throughout canada, after he agreed to these missiles he cancelled the Avro Arrow, because he said it was not necessary with the technology of these missiles
    - These missiles originally equiped with nuclear warheads but the in 1963, the government decided that it was not necessary to have nuclear weapons atytached to these missiles
  • vietnam war and Draft dodgers in Canada

    vietnam war and Draft dodgers in Canada
    Phil ochs draft dodger rag
    - the vietnam war was fought to prevent the spread of communism in southern asia
    -in the US, since the casulty rate was so high, the US government decided to enter in conscription about 25% of soldiers deployed in combat zones were draftees
    - they called all the people who came to canada, to escape the draft draft dodgers
    - 30,000 draft dodgers came to canada.
  • Canada Soviet Hockey series

    Canada Soviet Hockey series
    Summit series recap- canada won 4 games and lost 3 and tied 1 out of the eight games they played against the soviets
    - they played the first 4 games in canada and the last 4 in russia
    - first international competition in a while because canada had some disagreements with the world hockey federation
    - meant to be the battle pf the best, both these countries had shown and shown the most dominince in the sport
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    <ahref='' >Ronald Reagan speech:tear down this wall</a>- the wall around berlin is what seperated east berlin and east germany from west berlin
    -after world war two berlin was divcided into 4 parts and eventualy into 2 parts, although berlin is way into russia part of germany the capital city was valuble
    - Many times the soviets tried to take over west berlin because it was democratic and all of east germany was communist
    this also created lots of problems with people trying to diffect to democratic surronding countries
  • Fall of soviet union

    Fall of soviet union
    • the president of the USSR Mikhail Gorbechck hasd resigned on dec. 25 1991, and handed over the launch codes to all missiles to the russain presedent.
    • this created russia as a democracy rather than a communist country.