Quebec's Padlock Law
-Made to to protect the providence from communist propaganda
-gave the police the authority to arrest shut down any meetings or places suspected of promoting propaganda
-gave the general public the athuroty to acuse anyone of being communist -
Spies in Canada: Gouzenko Affair
Video-Igor Gouzenko was a soviet, trained in intellengence work
-Assigned to the Soviet ebassy in Ottawa
-Was about to get deported back to Russia
-Offered Canada secret documents exposing the work of the soviet spies in North America in return for permanet protection
-This information being passed on to the US and British governments
-To Canadians he was looked at as a courageous figure who chose freedom over dictatership -
Berlin Blockade
Video-Soviets attempted to force the Allies their right to occupy the western part of Berlin
-Attempted to phycially block all suplies to western Berlin - failed
-Tension grew higher between the Allies and the Soviets
-Both sides built up their militaries and engaged in espionage to uncover enemy weapon plans
-Canada and US begun to discuss plans to defend North America from Soviet agression -
International Alliances: NATO
-many nations formed NATO in fear of communism
-pledge to defend each other from attack
-in responce the soviets and their communist allies formed to warsaw pack
-saw by most Canadians as insanity
-other Canadians were worried about safety and American domination
-1962 Canadian government refused to have any nuclear weapons on Canadian soil
-1963 law was reversed
-1971 reversed again -
Forgotton War
Video-known as Korean war
-communist north Korea decided to attack south Korea
-NK supported by China and SK support by the US
-only 16 aided the war effort
-Canada ranked 3rd
-nearly 25000 Canadians saw action, over 1000 wounded and 406 killed -
Suez Crisis and Peerson Wins the Nobel Prize
Egyptian leader general Nasser decided to take control of the canal connecting the Mediterranean and the Red sea
-Isreal forces supported by the French and British troops attacked Egypt to seize contol of the canal
-solution was found by Lester Peerson, the Canadian secratery of statue for external affairs
-Awarded the nobel prize in 1957 for resolution of the Suez Crisis
-became prime minister in 1963 -
Video-launched the first sputnik satelite
-feared that the rocket used to put the satelite into space could also transport a missile across the world
-America started building lonf range rockets -
-1958 US and Canada agreed to defennd eachother
-Canada allowed the US to build several defence instillationsin the NWT to create thd Distant Early Waring, also known as DEW
-can detect approaching aircrafts and missles from 4800 kms away
- some canadians felt that the americans shouldnt be making these decisions on our behalf
-others found comfort in it -
Avro Arrow
Video-was a technologically advanced fighter jet developed and built by Canadains
-Canceled on Feb. 20, 1959
-put 14528 Avro employees out of work
-for many Canadians it symbolized potentional
-offical reason of cancelation was the high cost
-another reason for canceling was because the jet threatened the American dominance of the military -
Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers in Canada
Video- a war of soviets and the US
-Soviets tryeing to take Vietnam as a communist country
-Draft dogers are americans who fled to Canada to escape from manditory military service -
Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missiles and Nuclear Warheads in Canada
-Prime minister scraped the Avro Arrow
-Decided to buy American missiles for Canada defence
-prohibited nuclear war heads on Canadian soil while his terms as pm -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Video-American spy planes photographed the construction of soviet missiles in Cuba
-from cuba missiles can be accurated launched to hit any major city in North America
-President Kennedy imposed a naval blockade to stop soviet ships from delivering missiles
-Canadains suggested rather than using blockades all sites should be inspected by independant experts -
Canadian and Soviet Hockey Series
Video- for many years amatuer hockey teams could not beat Russia in the champoinships
-1972 a series was organized between Canada and Russia
-Each team won 3 games each
-Finals - Moscow - Paul Henderson score in the last minutes of play giving the win to Canada
-Tremendious boost in national pride -
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Video-Big celebration
-Germans took hammers to the walls, thus destorying them and allowing movement between borders -
Fall of Soviet Union
- end of the cold war -Over spent on military thus leading to being broke
- ecomomy went down -communism was banned