Canada's Involvment in International Human Rights Protection And Peace Keeping Since WW2
By MatthewTawil
World War 2
World War 2 was the second world war which lasted form 1939 to 1945. This war was the deadliest war in human history. Countries were invading each other which is why the war started. Canada was apart of World War 2. -
Canada Joins The United Nation
Canada and about 50 other countries created the United Nation. The United Nation is an organization that is dedicated to peacekeeping. It also encourages countries to cooperate with one another. -
Canada's Universal Declaration Of Human Rights
Canada and other countries from the United Nation signed the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights. It states all the basic human rights each person should have like Marriage, Freedom Of Thought, Social Security, etc.. -
Canada Joins Korean War
Troops from Canada and other countries in the United Nation were sent to Korea during the war. Canada was fighting to help protect South Korea from the North Korea invasion. This war made Korea split into 2 different countries: North Korea and South Korea. -
Canada Does Not Participate In The Vietnam War
Canada choose not take part in the Vietnam War. They felt that there was too many deaths and that the environment was different which would give them a disadvantage. -
Canada's Multicultural Policy
Canada is the first western country to bring a country wide multicultural policy. This policy allows all Canadians to keep and practice their religions and cultures freely. -
The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms
The Charter Of Rights And Freedoms was created in 1982 after Canada gained full political freedom from Britain. It lists all the freedom and rights that Canadians even if their races and cultures are different. -
Canada Signs North American Free Trade Agreement
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed by Canada, USA and Mexico. One of the purposes of this agreement was to eliminate barriers to trade in goods and services between Canada and the United States. -
Canada Signs Kyoto Accord
Canada signed the Kyoto Protocol which means Canada must reduce their gas and radiation levels 6% lower than 1990 by 2012. This protocol was put into place because the environment at the time was dirty and unstable. -
Coalition to Stop Use Of Child Soldiers
This Coalition was created to stop the use of child soldiers around the world. Canada was one of the countries that supported this cause and donated a lot of money towards the coalition. -
Canada Signs the Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities
Canada was one of the first countries to sign this Convention. The purpose of this is to protect and ensure equal rights for people with disabilities.