Canada joins the United Nations
Canada joined the United Nations; a group of 50 countries whose goals were to prevent wars, keep peace between/in countries, encourage cooperation between nations, defend human rights, improve the standards of living all over the world, and promote equality. -
Period: to
U.N. countries sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, whichCanadian John Humphrey had an important role in writing.
NATO – the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – is created as a militarydefence alliance because of fears created by the Cold War with Russiaand its allies. NATO includes Canada, the U.S., Britain, and countries ofnorthwestern Europe.
Canada sends troops to the Korean War in a United Nations-supportedmilitary action.
Canada creates the Canadian International Development Agency to supportinternational cooperation with countries of the world.
Canada signs the Automobile Pact with the U.S. This is the beginning offree trade between the two countries.
Canada recognizes Communist China
Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau recognizes Communist China in 1971. -
Canada establishes protected fishing zones up to 200 miles from itscoasts.
U.S., Canada, and Mexico sign the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA).
Canada signs the Kyoto Accord, an international agreement to reducegreenhouse gas emissions in order to control climate change.
Canada devotes considerable resources – human and financial – toSoutheast Asia following a devastating tsunami.
A reconstruction team is sent to Kandahar, Afghanistan to assist the
newly elected Afghanistan government.
Canada creates a special advisory team to coordinate Canada’s efforts to
resolve the humanitarian crisis in Darfur, Sudan.