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Canada's Involvement in Human Rights Protection since WWII

  • Canada Joins the United Nations

    Canada Joins the United Nations
    Canada joins the newly formed United Nations, a group of countries dedicated to preventing wars and keeping the world at peace, while preserving human rights and high quality of living for all around the world.
  • Canada helps write and signs the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Canada helps write and signs the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Canada, along with the rest of the United Nations, sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document which outlines the basic human rights that every single person, regardless of status, should have. Canadian diplomat John Humphrey played a significant part in the creation of the document.
  • Canada assists in founding and joins NATO

    Canada assists in founding and joins NATO
    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is a governmental military alliance between numerous nations created in fear of the opposing threat of the USSR (United Social Soviet Republics) with the intent to deter a potential major military conflict or world-wide war.
  • Canada sends troops to the Korean War

    Canada sends troops to the Korean War
    Canada participates and sends troops to the Korean War in an effort to de escalate conflict and end the war which is currently displacing or directly affecting hundreds of thousands of Koreans.
  • The first Canadian wins the Nobel Peace Prize

    The first Canadian wins the Nobel Peace Prize
    Lester Pearson, Canada’s ambassador to the United Nations, wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his major efforts in deterring and solving the Suez Crisis, by becoming the first ambassador to the United Nations to propose peacekeeping missions to other nations to ensure the protection of peace and human rights.
  • Canada signs the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

    Canada signs the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
    Canada signs the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, or CEDAW. With the convention, significant changes been introduced into general society with gender equality and women’s rights around the world.
  • Canada signs Convention on the Rights of the Child

    Canada signs Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Canada signs the Convention on the Rights of the Child as one of the first signatories. The Convention outlined the basic human rights of a child in particular, which included the right to grow up and develop in a safe, nurturing environment with protection against conflict, violence, or abuse.
  • Canada sends further aid and military support to Afghanistan

    Canada sends further aid and military support to Afghanistan
    In an effort to support the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan and protect the human rights of citizens oppressed by Taliban insurgents, Canada begins a wave of further aid and military support to de escalate further conflicts in Afghanistan.
  • Canada signs the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    Canada signs the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    Canada signs the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which protects the rights of persons regardless physical and mental disabilities, and promotes the worldwide dignity of persons with disabilities.
  • Canada begins to accept Syrian Refugees

    Canada begins to accept Syrian Refugees
    Canada starts to accept a large influx of Syrian refugees who have been displaced and seeking asylum from the ongoing conflicts and civil war in Syria.