Canada in the 1930's

  • First Woman Senator

    First Woman Senator
    Feb 15, 1930 - Cairine Reay Wilson was the first woman appointed to the Senate in Canada.
  • United Farmers Win

    United Farmers Win
    Jun 19, 1930 - In Alberta provincial elections, the United Farmers under John Edward Brownlee maintained the government they had formed since 1924.
  • Conservatives Win Election

    Conservatives Win Election
    Jul 28, 1930 - In a federal election, the Conservatives won a majority with 137 seats to the Liberals' 91. The UFA held 10 and the Progressives dropped to 2. R.B. Bennett became prime minister.
  • R.B. Bennett Becomes PM

    R.B. Bennett Becomes PM
    Aug 7, 1930 - R.B. Bennett was sworn in as prime minister.
  • Estevan Strike

    Estevan Strike
    Sep 8, 1931 - Coal miners at Estevan, Sask, went on strike for union recognition. On September 29 three strikers were killed in a clash with the RCMP.
  • Statute of Westminster Passes

    Statute of Westminster Passes
    Dec 11, 1931 - The Statute of Westminster received royal assent after being passed by the British Parliament. By establishing complete legislative equality between the parliaments of Britain and Canada, it is the closest Canada has come to a declaration of independence.
  • Winnipeg Hockey Club Wins Olympic Gold

    Winnipeg Hockey Club Wins Olympic Gold
    Feb 13, 1932 - For the first time Canada’s hockey team faced serious competition at the Olympics, ultimately playing two scoreless overtime periods in a final game against the US. To end the stalemate, officials chose to declare a tie and award the gold to the team that had won the earlier round-robin game, Canada.
  • CRBC (future CBC) Established

    CRBC (future CBC) Established
    May 26, 1932 - Parliament passed an Act establishing the publicly funded Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, the forerunner of the Canadian Broadcasting Corp of 1936. Before the CRBC almost the only programs available to Canadians were from the US.
  • Ottawa Agreements

    Ottawa Agreements
    Jul 20, 1932 - Canada and Commonwealth countries signed 12 bilateral trade agreements in Ottawa providing for mutual tariff concessions and certain other commitments.
  • CCF Founded

    CCF Founded
    Commonwealth Federation was founded in Calgary. Led by J.S. Woodsworth, the CCF was the first major democratic socialist movement in Canada and went on to have a profound effect on the Canadian political landscape.
  • Birth of Glen Gould

    Birth of Glen Gould
    Sep 25, 1932 - Pianist Glenn Gould, who abandoned a thriving international concert career for performances using recorded-sound technology and whose work had a unique importance in music and communications, was born at Toronto.
  • Pattullo Appointed BC's Premier

    Pattullo Appointed BC's Premier
    Nov 15, 1933 - Liberal party leader Thomas Dufferin Pattullo was sworn in as BC's 22nd premier.
  • Dionne Quintuplets Born

    Dionne Quintuplets Born
    May 28, 1934 - The Dionne Quintuplets, Annette, Emilie, Yvonne, Cecile and Marie aroused worldwide attention after their birth at Corbeil, Ontario, to Oliva and Elzire Dionne in 1934. They were the only quintuplets to survive for more than a few days.
  • Bank of Canada Act

    Bank of Canada Act
    Jul 3, 1934 - The Bank of Canada Act created the Bank of Canada in response to the 1933 Royal Commission on Banking and Currency.
  • Reconstruction Party Formed

    Reconstruction Party Formed
    Oct 26, 1934 - H.H. Stevens formed the business-oriented Reconstruction Party.
  • Bennett Outlines New Deal

    Bennett Outlines New Deal
    Jan 2, 1935 - Prime Minister R.B. Bennett began a series of live radio speeches outlining a "New Deal" for Canada.
  • Bank of Canada Opens

    Bank of Canada Opens
    Mar 11, 1935 - The Bank of Canada began operations.
  • On to Ottawa Trek

    On to Ottawa Trek
    Jun 5, 1935 - About 1000 unemployed men boarded freight cars in Vancouver to begin the "On to Ottawa" trek. The strikers commandeered freight trains and made stops in Calgary, Medicine Hat, Swift Current and Moose Jaw before arriving in Regina June 14.
  • Social Credit Victory in Alberta

    Social Credit Victory in Alberta
    Aug 22, 1935 - Charismatic Bible-thumping William Aberhart led the Social Credit Party to victory in the Alberta provincial elections. He was sworn in on September 3. The party dominated Alberta politics until 1971.
  • Liberals Win Election

    Liberals Win Election
    Oct 14, 1935 - In the federal election, the Liberals won a landslide majority, with 171 seats to the Conservatives' 39. The CCF won 7 seats and the Social Credit 17. King became prime minister for the third time.
  • Union Nationale Victory

    Union Nationale Victory
    Aug 17, 1936 - The Union Nationale, led by Maurice Duplessis, won the Québec election. Duplessis was sworn in on 26 Aug.
  • CRBC Becomes CBC

    CRBC Becomes CBC
    Nov 2, 1936 - The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was created to replace the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission.
  • Period: to

    Oshawa Strike

    Apr 8, 1937 to Apr 23, 1937 - More than 4000 workers of the huge General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ont, struck. GM accepted many of the union's demands, without recognizing the union.
  • Dominion-Provincial Relations

    Dominion-Provincial Relations
    Aug 15, 1937 - PM Mackenzie King appointed the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations to examine the amendment of the BNA Act, and the relationship of the federal and provincial governments in Confederation.
  • Miramichi Strike

    Miramichi Strike
    Aug 20, 1937 - 1500 millworkers and longshoremen along the Miramichi River in northern New Brunswick struck at 14 lumber firms for increased wages.
  • Trans-Canada Air Lines

    Trans-Canada Air Lines
    Sep 1, 1937 - The first regular flight of Trans-Canada Air Lines (now Air Canada) took place.
  • Relief Workers' Strike in BC

    Relief Workers' Strike in BC
    May 20, 1938 - Unemployed members of the Relief Project Worker's Union in Vancouver occupied the Hotel Georgia, the Vancouver Art Gallery and the central post office and began a sit-down strike.
  • National Film Board Created

    National Film Board Created
    May 2, 1939 - The National Film Act created the National Film Board, headed by Scots film producer John Grierson. The NFB pioneered developments in social documentary, animation, documentary drama and direct cinema. Its films have won hundreds of international awards.
  • Royal Winnipeg Ballet Founded

    Royal Winnipeg Ballet Founded
    May 20, 1939 - Canada's oldest ballet company, the Winnipeg Ballet (designated "Royal" in 1953), was founded by Gweneth Lloyd and Betty Hall Farrally.
  • Period: to

    First Transatlantic Air Service

    Jun 27, 1939 to Jun 28, 1939 - The first transatlantic air service began with a Pan American flight between Botwood, Nfld, and Southampton, England.
  • Wartime Prices and Trade Board

    Wartime Prices and Trade Board
    Wartime Prices and Trade Board, est 3 Sept 1939 by the Canadian government immediately before the onset of WORLD WAR II, and initially responsible to the Dept of Labour. Its creation reflected the government's concern that WWI conditions of inflation and social unrest should not return.
  • Canada Declares War on Germany

    Canada Declares War on Germany
    When the German attack on Poland on 1 September 1939 finally led Britain and France to declare war on Germany, King summoned Parliament to "decide," as he had pledged. Declaration of war was postponed for a week, during which Canada was formally neutral. The government announced that approval of the "Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne," which stated the government's decision to support Britain and France, would constitute approval of a declaration of war.
    On September 9 the address w
  • First Troops Sail for Britain

    First Troops Sail for Britain
    King clearly envisaged a limited effort and was lukewarm towards an expeditionary force. Nevertheless, there was enough pressure to lead the Cabinet to dispatch one army division to Europe. The Allies' defeat in France and Belgium in the early summer of 1940 and the collapse of France frightened Canadians.
  • Air Training Plan Established

    Air Training Plan Established
    British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, an agreement of 17 December 1939 between Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand, making Canada the focus of a British Empire-wide scheme to instruct aircrew. It was a major Canadian contribution to Allied air superiority in WORLD WAR II, and lasted until 31 March 1945. Called the "Aerodrome of Democracy" by US Pres F.D. Roosevelt, Canada had an abundance of air training space beyond the range of enemy aircraft, excellent climatic conditions for flying,