Canada: Conflict and Cooperation - A Timeline With Attitude

By Zeyad
  • WW1 +2

    WW1 +2
    In 1914 Britain had declared war on Germany. Britain had declared war on Germany in order to prevent the French from losing to Germany which would've put Germany in control of Western Europe. Canada being a part of the British Empire had to go also go to war with Germany. This is a big part of Canada's history as after 4 years of war helped turn Canada from a colony into a Nation and this is why I think this is a really big part of canada's history. The casualties however were over 250,000.
  • St Lawrence Seaway +1

    St Lawrence Seaway +1
    In 1932 the St Lawrence Seaway was only just a bill of authorization. It is a seaway planned to be built 3,700KM long from Île d’Anticosti to lake superior. The cargo that's carried throughout the seaway are things such as coal, iron ore, petroleum, cement, etc. This would prove to be some progression into Canada's history but nothing too major as this could've been canceled at any time.
  • Dieppe Raid -1

    Dieppe Raid -1
    "Dieppe Raid" was a raid that happened in France on a port called Dieppe. There were approximately 6,100 troops with 5,000 of those being Canadian troops, the rest of the troops consisted of 1,000 British commandos and about 50 being American rangers. Although most of the troops were Canadian of all the 5,000 Canadian troops only about 2,000 were able to make it back alive and many of them were wounded, 3,000 casualties, and 1,000 were held, prisoner. This proved to be a setback for Canada
  • Gas Pipeline Affair +1

    Gas Pipeline Affair +1
    In 1956 in the Canadian parliament there was a big debate of a gas pipeline, this pipeline was to bring natural gasses from Alberta to the heart of industrial Canada. on that day there was a big debate on it since the creation of this pipeline would require a big investment, after weeks of debating and arguing finally on May 22nd the bill of authorization to create the pipeline was issued. This was a nice good amount of progression since natural gasses were being transported through the pipeline
  • Language Act +1

    Language Act +1
    in 1968 Pierre Trudeau creates the language to make Canada officially a bilingual country. This language act makes it to where Canadians can choose to be served in either French or English by Federal Government institutions, services will also be in both languages in Ottawa. I believe this is a good amount of progression towards Canada's history as now both French and English speaking people have more job options and can have more freedom throughout their own country.
  • Sources 2

    Gas pipeline Affair
    The Gas Pipeline Affair: Language Act
    PM Pierre Trudeau introduces bill on official bilingualism: