Canada: Conflict and Cooperation

  • Following Germany’s invasion of Belgium, Britain declares war on Germany +1

    Following Germany’s invasion of Belgium, Britain declares war on Germany +1
    It's a positive thing because women and aboriginal got more opportunities after that. +1 Canada, as part of the British Empire, is engaged in the war as well. Germany lost the war. It was positive because the British had power over Canada and after the war Canada saw itself more as an independent country. The war created more opportunities for women and aboriginal people.
  • Canada declares war on Nazi Germany.

    Canada declares war on Nazi Germany.
    The positive thing is that Canada is looked more as a independent country +2 During WW1 Canadians fought against Germany. They all fought in trenches which is a place they dug up, they used rifles, poison gas, tanks and more. Veterans who survived the war suffered from different types of mental illnesses like ptsd depression and anxiety.
  • Canadian troops sustain major losses in a raid on the French port of Dieppe. Nearly 1,000 Canadians die and another 1,800 are taken prisoner.

    Canadian troops sustain major losses in a raid on the French port of Dieppe. Nearly 1,000 Canadians die and another 1,800 are taken prisoner.
    The raid was unsuccessful almost 1000 soldiers died and 1800 soldier were taking as prisoner -3 During the WW2 allied raid on the French port of Dieppe, unfortunately they lost. Almost 1000 soldiers died and 1946 soldiers were captured and taken as prisoners. This affected Canada because they lost over 2000 soldiers during the raid. Which taught them a valuable lesson to bring more soldiers.
  • Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower officially opened the St. Lawrence Seaway.

     Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower officially opened the St. Lawrence Seaway.
    Queen Elizabeth ll help open the world longers seaway that people use to this day +3 The St. Lawrence seaway was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth ll, prime minister John Diefenbaker and Dwight Eisenhower. St. Lawrence Seaway provides access to the Atlantic ocean and great lakes. Also the St. Lawrence seaway is the longest seaway in the world recorded at 370 miles long. The seaway had an impact in which Canada and America shared. The seaway is used to travel cargo from Canada to America.
  • Expo 67, a world’s fair built on the theme Man and His World, opens in Montreal.

    Expo 67, a world’s fair built on the theme Man and His World, opens in Montreal.
    This event was a world's fair that was held in Montreal and it meant a lot for canada +1
    A world's fair was held in Montreal in 1967 to celebrate the 100th birthday of Canada. The Canada Pavilion is an inverted pyramid that glows every night. The name of the main building in the Canadian pavilion is called Katimavik which means meeting place. Also Canada had a strong economy and the government was developing social programs to benefit canadians. This event was a great deal of pride to canadians.