
Canada and the Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock law

    Quebec's Padlock law
    A Law implemented by Union Nationale. The goal was to prevent the circulation or creation of communist propaganda, It prohibits anyone to use a house to do so. If you were recognized as an offender your door would be padlocked by police.
  • Spies in Canada: Gouzenko Affair

    Spies in Canada: Gouzenko Affair
    Spies were a common method used for countries to gain information during the cold war period. Igor Gouzenko was a Ukrainian spy stationed in Ottawa. He walked in to a newsroom and announced he had proof of a widespread soviet spy ring operating in Canada. This opened the eyes for people everwhere.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Berlin Blockade was a major international crisis of the cold war and was an attempt by the soviets to block off France, Great Britain and the USA from thier sectors of Berlin. Eventually the western powers (France, Great Britain and USA) appointed an airlift to the people of Berlin, which lasted a yer and delivered much need supplies.
  • International Alliances: NATO

    International Alliances: NATO
    Nato or North atlantic treaty organization is an international alliance of 26 countries(Europe and North America). It was created to ensure peace and security of the Nort Atlantic regions. Political and militairy means
  • "The forgotten War"- The korean War

    "The forgotten War"- The korean War
    The Korean War was when WW2 devided korea into a communists. North-Korea and china decided to attack South-Korea, The u.s supported South-Korea against this Communist aggression. Only 16 Nations of the UN decided to join the war effort, Canada being ranked third.The North Korean army, armed with Soviet tanks, quickly overran South-Korea. Eventually negotiations concluded and fighting ended.
  • Continental Alliances:Norad and Dew

    Continental Alliances:Norad and Dew
    Norad is an organization of Canada and the United States that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and defense for the two countries. Dew was a system created to warn the two countries of an invation by from Russia over Canada to the US. To provide early warnings.
  • Vietnam war & Draft Dodgers in Canada.

    Vietnam war & Draft Dodgers in Canada.
    The vietnam war was fought between North Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government of South Vietnam, supported by the United States and other anti- communist countries. Canada did not directly participate in the Vietnam War, but American draft dodgers and military deserters who looked for refuge in Canada during the Vietnam War started controversy among those wanting to immigrate to Canada.
  • The suez crisis

    The suez crisis
    The suez crisis was conflict between Great britain, US, France, isreal and Egypt. The UN recognised the new state of israel and the arabs didn't like that. They had claims to the historic land. Israeli forces defeated the Arabs and the Arabs swore to take revenge.Britain, France, US and Russia all took intesest in the land. Eventually Egypt took the suez canal (From the mediterranean to the red sea). The French, British and israel secretly agreed to take back the canal. Controvercy over canal.
  • Sputnik and Canada's space program

    Sputnik and Canada's space program
    Sputnik was the first satellie that could automatically orbit the earth that the Soviet Union launched into space. It is significant event during the cold because it started the space race. Canada's space program was formed in December 14, 1989.
  • UN peacekeeping: pearson wins nobel prize

    UN peacekeeping: pearson wins nobel prize
    Pearson proposed the world’s very first peacekeeping force at the United Nations General Assembly. Using his greatly connections and decades of experience, he convinced the world assembly to make the UN force. This lead to Pearson winning the nobel peace prize in december 1957
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc missiles and nuclear warheads in Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc missiles and nuclear warheads in Canada
    In 1958, the Progressive Conservative government of John Diefenbaker,with the clause of the North American Air Defence Agreement (NORAD) of 1957, he deployed 56 American-made Bomarc missiles in Ontario and Quebec. The government did not initially tell the Canadian public that the missiles were to be fitted with nuclear weapons. This created lots of contraversy whithin Canada.
  • Avro Arrow and it;s cancellation

    Avro Arrow and it;s cancellation
    The avro Arrow was Canada's greatest aeronautical achievement, the CF-105 jet fighter. The cancellation of the project in 1959 still remains a story of political intrigue and controversy. It was designed to carry air-to-air nuclear-tipped missiles to destroy Soviet bomb attacks over the Canadian North. Faced with the high costs, and the not being able to sell the Arrow to Europe or the US, John Diefenbaker cancelled the project on February 20,1959.
  • The Cuban Missile crisis

    The Cuban Missile crisis
    The cuban Missile crisis was the closest the world has ever come to nuclear war. It lasted over a period of 3 days. It started when the soviets launched a satelite into orbit with a rocket that could be used as a nuclear warhead. The soviets were building missile sights in Cuba. The US created naval blockades around the island. Luckily, thanks to the bravery of two men, President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev, war was averted.
  • Canada-Soviet Hockey series

    Canada-Soviet Hockey series
    An eight game series between Canada and the USSR. It was Canada`s first international hockey(Canada had withdrew for a while). First four games were held in Canada and the next four were held in Moscow. These games were know as the ``Summit series``. First competition with professional players (NHL). Canada had a rough start but eventually they came back and won.
  • The fall of the Berlin wall

    The fall of the Berlin wall
    The border dividing western from Eastern and Western Germany collapsed and symbolized the end of the cold war. This made the west available in the middle of the east creating chaos.
  • The fall of the Soviet Union

    The fall of the Soviet Union
    The cold war ended when the Soviet Union Fell. People were rejoiced. The Soviet Union got divided into 5 different countries. The world was back at piece.