Canada 1920s

  • Vimy Ridge

    Vimy Ridge
    +2, This battle was a a crucial win for Canada, leading the British advances. Earning us the respect of the French, British, and the Americans (Political Change).
  • Influenza Outbreak

    Influenza Outbreak
    -1, This outbreak caused the death of over 50 000 Canadians. However this outbreak led to the establishment of the Federal Department of Health in 1919.
  • Jazz

    +1, Jazz was the root influence of many of the staple genres we enjoy today, such as hip hop, R&B, and rock (Cultural Change).
  • Automobile manufacturing

    Automobile manufacturing
    +1, The assembly line invented by Henry Ford allowed Canada to produce automobiles cheaper and faster (Economical Change).
  • Beginning of U.S Branch Plants

    Beginning of U.S Branch Plants
    -1, U.S Branch Plants affected Canada's economy at the time majorly. As we set up U.S factories and sold American products (Economic Change)
  • Prohibition

    -1, Prohibition is an act where Canada made the production and sale of alcohol illegal (Cultural Change).
  • Chanak Affair

    Chanak Affair
    +1, This event was the first time Canada showed that it would decide its role in foreign affairs. It showed that Canada is not longer controlled by Britain. (Political Change)
  • Invention of insulin

    Invention of insulin
    +2, This invention was crucial for the future of diabetics world wide and its widely considered one of the most important discoveries in medicine (Social Change).
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    -1, This act did not allow people of Chinese origin to enter the country. Many Chinese people in British Columbia were separated from their family members in China. This act was a signal that they were not wanted in Canada (Cultural Change).
  • Batteryless Radio

    Batteryless Radio
    +1, This invention allowed the radio to be more accessible to Canadians; creating a new culture of broadcasted news and other shared information. (Technological Change)