

  • Hudsons Bay

    Hudson’s Bay Company is formed
  • Quebec

    Battle of the Plains of Abraham: Québec City is captured
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812: U.S. invades Canada
  • Nova Scotia

    Responsible government is won, first in Nova Scotia, then in Canada
  • Canada is born

    Confederation (first four provinces: Québec, Ontario, N.S., and N.B.)
  • B.C joins

    1871 B.C joins
  • P.E.I joins

    P.E.I. joins Canada
  • World War 1

    World War I
  • The Great Depression

  • World War II

    1939–45 World War II
  • Newfoundland

    Newfoundland joins Canada
  • Korean War

  • Québec’s Quiet Revolution

    1960 Québec’s Quiet Revolution begins; Native Canadians given the vote
  • 100!

    Canada’s 100th birthday; Expo 67 World’s Fair in Montréal
  • Arctic territory

    1999 The new Arctic territory of Nunavut is created
  • Quebec separation

    Clarity Bill outlines the terms of Québec separation
  • NO WAR

    Canada says “no” to joining the war in Iraq
  • Olympics

    Canada sets record for gold medals at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games