Campus Carry Bill Passed.
On this day the govener signed the bill for campus carry. Many may know this as the 84th legislature. This bill was passed regarding the carrying of handguns on college campuses and other locations associated with the insitution. -
ASU begins policy development.
Angelo State University formed a group to develop a policy regarding the new campus carry bill. They expect it will be about a 10 month process in order to develop, review, and approve the policy. -
ASU has completed a first draft of the campus carry policy.
Angelo State University sent out an email draft of the full campus carry policy they developed to faculty, staff, and students. This draft will later be reviewed by officials before a completed policy is put in place. -
Officials review policy
At the end of April 2016 the Texas Tech Board and officials will meet to review the new policy. Once the policy is reviewed necessary correction and revisions (if any) will be made. After these corrections and revisions are completed a date will be set for the policy to take affect. -
Official first day of campus carry.
This date will be the first day of the fall semester and first day of school with the campus carry policy in affect. Some students and faculty will be openly carring their guns on campus for the first time. -
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The Impact on Admissions
This new campus carry policy could potentially impact the numbers for student enrollment as well as the administration process. In the state of Texas the campus carry policies will vary from campus to campus and because of this it will present a new factor to take into consideration when deciding on a school. Parents, coaches, and others involved in helping the the student during the decision making process will be looking at these policies very carefully.