Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
16th century
Jan 1, 1516
Thomas More's (1478-1535) famous work: Utopia is published. -
Jan 1, 1562
Jesuit Order
Start of the Jesuit Order in Antwerp. -
Jan 1, 1565
Café Quinten Matsijs
Start of the Quinten Matsijs Café, which throughout the centuries has been both a bar and an inn. -
Jan 1, 1575
First College
Opening of the first College in the Jesuit Order. -
St. Carolus Borromeus church
Begin of the construction of the church. It took until 1621 to complete it. Pieter Paul Rubens (1577-1640) decorated the church with many ceiling paintings. -
Period: to
18th century
Removal of the Jesuit Order
Pope Clement XIV closes the Jesuit Order in Antwerp. -
Period: to
19th century
Reinstalment of the Jesuit Order
The Jesuit Order returns to Antwerp. -
Sint Ignatius Instituut
The Jesuit Order establishes the secondary school: Sint Ignatius Instituut. -
Establishment of the Hoger Handelsgesticht (higher eductation in business) which later on, moves to the Prinsstraat in Antwerp. -
Henrik Conscienceplein
The former Jezuïetenplein (Jesuit Square) is named after the famous writer Hendrik Conscience. -
Period: to
20th century
Handelshogeschool voor Juffrouwen
The Sisters of Love establish the first school in higher business eduction, which solely accepts girls. -
Pink Floyd concert
In a café on the Hendrik Conscience square (het Pannenhuis) the first Pink Floyd concert in Antwerp takes place. -
Hugo Heyrman & Panamarenko's Happening
On the Hendrik Conscience square, was a happening which wanted to adress awareness to the car filled Antwerp. They placed huge ice cubes on the square and protested for a square with lots of green, where kids could play. Their happening got sufficient attention and in 1972 the square was the first one to become completely car free. -
First car free square
Due to protests, the Hendrik Conscience square became the first car free square in Antwerp.