Period: to
Some Years
Due to George Washington...
candiates or "anyone on their behalf" cannot give food, money, entertainment, or presents in order to be elected -
Naval Appropriations Bill
This made it illegal for government officials to gather money from naval yard workers. -
The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
It was now illegal for government officials to gather contributions to cvil service workers. They are also forced to award these posititons entierly based on merit. -
Due to Theodore Roosevelt...
A ban on all contibutions to a political comittee, or just for political purpose are bannned. (This does not include owners of the corporations) -
Tillman Act
A law that was created to make corporate donations to a federal canidate important. Allthough this was the law, it was not easily enforced. -
The Federal Corrupt Practices Act
This said that House Canidates need to disclose thei finances. -
17th Ammendment passed
This says that there will be a direct election of senators. (which leads to more money) -
The Smith-Connally Act
Unions were no longer allowed to dontate to the federal canidates. -
The Taft-Hartley Act
Bans corporations and unions from making spending independent money in federal plitical campaigns. -
Finally collecting campaign finance reports
The box that you can check on your tax forms to donate $3 was legislated in this year. -
Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce
The law banning corporations from using monay as independent expendetures was upheld. -
George Bush vetoed.....
A bill that would provide partial public financing for canidates. -
The McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
Limit the use of "soft money" (not regulated by the Govt.) -
BCRA was upheld by the Supreme Court
Vermont's Strict Laws....
Were ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court. -
Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc.
(I am confused by this one) -
Obama does not take public financing for his campaign
Citizens United v. FEC
It was decided that independent expendetures from corporations were protected by the first ammendment. -
Both presidentatial nomenees did not accept public financing
McCutcheon v. FEC / aggregate contribution limits
There were no longer caps on how much an individual could donate because it went against their first ammendment rights.