You Gotta Want It
This was my first year and Joe, Josh and Jevfro's second. I had absolutley no idea what I was getting in to. We showed up in one van with four tents, two tarps, a janky gas stove and four pounds of stolen bacon. Want It was born! Members: Joe Urban, Josh Nolte, Jevfro Cleavland, Kim Nowacki, Roy Rob. -
Period: to
Want It!
Chance Encounter
This is the year when a blue jumpsuit covered with rubber yellow ducks would lead to a fatefull meeting of two groups of friends that would come to Want It. Returning members: Josh Nolte, Jevfro Cleaveland, Kim Nowacki New member: Megan. Members of our soulmate camp across the playa: Gabe Mahoney, Erica Marciniec, Jim Abrams, Jim's friend whose name I can't remember. -
Combined Forces
This is the year we joined forces. There were DJs, water that tasted like pink lemonade, one dead deer, and Gabe's cousin. Returning members: Kim Nowacki, Joe Urban, Megan. Gabe Mahoney, Erica Marciniec, Jim Abrams, Jim's friend whose name I can't remember. New members: Gabe's cousin, Megan's brother, Teo, Rubin, Bride, Jim's friend's girlfriend, Justin, Lonhyn Jasinskyj and JAY CLAMHOLE. Guest DJs: Mo and Phyllis! -
Fourth Year: Sushi Party!
Yes, this is the year of the very first Camp Want It sushi party. It was pretty much just an in-camp thing and it was amazing. This was also Camp Meth Camp year, I think. Returning members: Kim, Joe, Jevfro, Gabe, Erica, Jim, Teo, Jay, Mo, Phyllis, Rubin. New Memebers: Misty Ewing-Davis, Aaron Tatar, Aaron's boyfriend, Bella Stryker Lisitza, Day Bergh, Jim's girlfriend, Rubin's friend, probably a bunch of other people I can't remember. Yakuza satellite: Danny, Dave, Scott, Steven. -
I Don't Really Remember This Year
I'm sure something awesome happened. Returning members: Kim, Joe, Gabe, Erica, Jim, Jay, Mo, Phyllis, Misty, Aaron, Day. New Memebers: Becky, Vanessa, I want to say some East Coast kids Jim brought including Sue, probably a bunch of other people I can't remember. -
Best Year Ever
I will make a strong, strong case that 2006 was the best year ever. Fact. Returning members: Kim, Joe, Gabe, Erica, Jim, Jay, Mo, Phyllis, Misty, Aaron, Day, Becky, Vanessa, Sue. New members: Keebler, Blink, Curtis, Swami, the Thruple, a whole school bus of people from the East Coast, probably a bunch of other people I can't remember. -
I Remember It Being Dusty
This year, for some reason, was my breaking point and I decided I needed to take a break. Returning members: Kim, Joe, Gabe, Erica, Jim, Jay, Mo, Phyllis, Misty, Aaron, Day, Becky, Vanessa, Sue, Swami, the Thruple, Gia, Blink, Curtis, Keebler. New members: Jimmy, like a lot of Hawaii people, I think?