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Cambodia past to present

  • Independence from France

    Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos gain freedom from France.
  • Vietnam

    Cambodia is drawn into a war with Vietnam.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam sanctuaries in Cambodia are bombarded

    US B-52 bombards Vietnam sanctuaries in Cambodia.
  • Communist forces

    Communist forces over through Pro-American regime.
  • Peace

    Cambodia and Vietnam established a protectorate that lasted for 10 years.
  • Paris signing

    Under peace agreements signed in Paris.
  • Prince Ranariddh

    Prince Ranariddh was tried in his absence and found guilty of arms smuggling but was pardoned by the king.

    Cambodia became a member of ASEAN.
  • Khmer Rouge

    UN-backed tribunals begin questioning Khmer Rouge suspects about allegations of genocide.
  • Trial

    Former Khmer Rouge leader Kaing Guek Eav known as Dutch goes on trial for presiding over the murder and torture of millions as head of the Toul Sleng prison camp.
  • Norodom

    Former king Norodom Sihanouk, died of a heart attack at the age of 84.
  • Treason

    Opposition leader Kem Sokha is charged with treason.