
  • Joining the (KPRP)

    Pol Pot joint the (KPRP) and this was set up in 1951
  • Cambodia’s Independence

    Cambodia finally gained it’s Independence in the year of 1953
  • Reorganizing the (KPRP)

    Pol Pot helped reorganize the (KPRP) into the party that exposed Marxism-Leninism.
  • Launching a national uprising

    Pol a Pot and the guerilla army launched a national uprising.
  • Military coup

    General Lon Nol started a military coup in 1970
  • Bombing campaign ended

    The U.S bombing campaign ended in 1973
  • Winning the Civil War

    Khmer Rouge entered the and won the civil war and ending the fighting.
  • Capturing Phnom Penh

    They caught Phnom Penh and they forced Pol Pot to go back into the jungle were they resumed the guerrilla operations.
  • Pol Pot under House Arrest

    The splinter group captured Pol pot and put him under house arrest.
  • Website for the first nine

  • Tribunal to bring Charges against Khmer Rouge

    A law that is setting up a tribunal wants to bring charges against Khmer Rouge.
  • Dissolves the Cambodia National rescue party

    The supreme court dissolved the nation rescue party.
  • Cambodia Today

    Cambodia is and has recovered from the Khmer Rouge regime but the physical scars do remain for the survivors.