
Call of duty

  • When call of duty was born

    When call of duty was born
    Call of Duty is a 2003 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is the first major installment in the Call of Duty video game series.The game simulates the infantry and combined arms warfare of World War II. The game is based on the Quake III: Team Arena engine.
  • When call of duty Turned into a modern warfare game

    Since November 5, 2007 to 2011 infinity ward made another game based of the original call of duty series called modern warfare. They sold over, each modern warfare game, over six million sold all over the world. Their main Primary developers are Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Sledgehammer games.
  • The idea of call of duty modern warfare

    The idea of call of duty came from the wars we had over the years like World War I, World War II and classified wars and etcetera. For instance Alex Mason. Captain Alex Mason is a CIA agent and retired Marine Force Recon Captain. He is the main protagonist and the primary playable character in Call of Duty: Black Ops. He returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops II as the main playable character in the 1980s missions, as well as being an NPC and a main protagonist.
  • Characters Ideas

    These characters came from famous wars and deadly attacks. For instance Makarov Vladimir: His represents Osama bin Laden. Many of these characters represents brave warriors in battle.
  • Map art concepts

    The idea of gaming maps started in 1956 for 3rd person dungeon game they soon stet developing 1st person maps and graphic definition which extreme definition came from call of duty. The art concepts starts off with the idea of real world wars and cut them down in smaller close contact.
  • Call of duty expectations

    Call of duty expects from people to understand what war really is. How it can corrupt another how something's never changes in people. But that one heart of soul can change their faith for them, but doesn't work alone. Taking over another country is not worth it vs. taking over and killing many other lives and there own life.
  • What inspired in Treyach, Infinity Ward, and Sledgehammer games ?

    What inspired all these companies to keep making call of duty games is that in 2009 when modern warfare 2 came out. Within 24 hours of going on sale, the game had sold more than 5.6 million copies, 4.2 million in the U.S. and 1.4 million in the UK, breaking the record set by its predecessor Modern Warfare 2 by some 2.3 million copies. Capcom released a subtitled version in Japan on November 18, 2010 and later a Japanese-dubbed version on December 16, 2010. After six weeks on release ,Act I.
  • Call of Duty the Producers

    The series began on the PC, and later expanded to consoles and handhelds. Several spin-off games have also been released. The earlier games in the series are set primarily in World War II, including Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, and Call of Duty 3. Beginning with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which is set in modern times, the series has shifted focus away from World War II.
  • Call of Duty Now

    Call of Duty as of today are creating there games as, in to the future technology of tomorrow. These people are good at making changes and know what gamers want. they think the Impossible and put it on a game. Thats why almost everybody around the world loves Call of Duty