Caleb.T Personal Timeline

  • The Second Congo War

    The Second Congo War
    The Second Congo War took place mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The widest interstate war in modern African history, it directly involved nine African nations, as well as about twenty armed groups. It earned the epithet of "Africa's World War" and the "Great War of Africa." An estimated 3.8 million people died, mostly from starvation and disease brought about by the deadliest conflict since World War II.
  • The second chechen war

    The second chechen war
    The war was launched by the Russian Federation on August 26, 1999, in response to the invasion of Dagestan and the Russian apartment bombings, which were blamed on the Chechens. During the war, Russian forces largely recaptured the separatist region of Chechnya. The campaign largely reversed the outcome of the First Chechen War, in which the region gained de facto independence as the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.
  • September 11th terrorist attack

    September 11th terrorist attack
    On September 11th 2001 in NYC terrorist flew 2-3 planes into 2 builds that were called the twin towers, over 3000 people have died from this terrorist attack.
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    In 2001, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Canada, and Australia invaded Afghanistan seeking to oust the Taliban and to find this person called Osama bin Laden. In 2011 the government claimed that the Navy SEALs had killed Osama bin Laden and buried him in the ocean
  • The Iraq war

    The Iraq war
    In 2003 the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, and Poland invaded and occupied Iraq. The war, which ended the rule of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party, also led to violence against the coalition forces and between many Sunni and Shia Iraqi groups and al-Qaeda operations in Iraq. Approximately 110,600 people have died between March 2003 to April 2009. Hussein was eventually sentenced to death and hanged on December 30, 2006.
  • The day we got are 3rd dog

    On january 4th we got are 3rd dog but it was the only dog in the house cause we had to get rid of some, are 3rd dog was named bella she was a white dog with big black dots on her as her fur.
  • The day we got are first cat

    On 2013 October 12 we got are first cat it was a orange tabby cat and his name was rusty.
  • The day my baby sister was born

    On the 1st of January 2014 me and my dad went to the hospital after the baby was born and we got to see her for the very first time.
  • The day I got my 4th dog

    On November 15th 2019 we got are 4th dog, we still had bella when we got this one, the dog was a german shepard and her name was Hazal she had this nice brown and black fur that looked amazing.
  • The day we had to put down bella

    On January 1st 2021 we had to put bella down because she was slowly dying from something we did not know what but we did know was that she was slowly dying so we decided to put her down so she would not feel any more of that pain.