Heart beats normally and Eyes start to form
Chris Carey
Mosaic patriotic heart box
Apopka, FL
February 2002
Carey, Chris. heartbox2a.jpg. February 2002. Pics4Learning. 20 Feb 2012 http://pics.tech4learning.com -
Period: to
Period: to
Heart develops left and right chambers
Chris Carey
Mosaic patriotic heart box
Apopka, FL
February 2002
Carey, Chris. heartbox2a.jpg. February 2002. Pics4Learning. 20 Feb 2012 http://pics.tech4learning.com -
Period: to
Bones are visible and heart beat can be heard through a stethoscope
Chris Carey
Mosaic patriotic heart box
Apopka, FL
February 2002
Carey, Chris. heartbox2a.jpg. February 2002. Pics4Learning. 20 Feb 2012 http://pics.tech4learning.com -
Finger prints form
"Sw_arm_01.jpg." MorgueFile Free Photos for Creatives by Creatives. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/57360. -
Eyelids can open and can weigh up to 6.6 pounds
Period: to
Baby can hold its head up and reach for objects
"Picture_015_q.jpg." MorgueFile Free Photos for Creatives by Creatives. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/132100. -
Infant begins to crawl
"Picture_015_q.jpg." MorgueFile Free Photos for Creatives by Creatives. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/132100. -
Period: to
My first day of school
My first day of kindergarten was awesome! We did puzzles and I made a lot of friends. My mom tells me she cried when it was my first day -
Moved to new house
5 years ago I moved from my old house to a new one. I love my new house it’s the best house ever. The people are really nice. -
Period: to
Graduation of elementary school
When I graduated elementary school I was sad. I was sad because I wasn’t going to see my friends anymore. It was on my birthday. I remember my dad got me flowers that were pink and orange!! I loved them! -
Started playing lacrosse
Last year I started playing lacrosse. I love it so much it is my favorite sport. This year will be my second year playing. My father really supports me! -
First pets
This year I got my first pets and they were fish. Their names were Mickey, Minnie, Belly, Spot and I also got a snail named Duece. They are so awesome!! I love them so much!! -
Period: to
Period: to
Age 30... Aging begins
Aging becomes more noticable and progresses rapidly