Caitlin Ercole 5-7-20 My Life

  • My Accident

    My Accident
    I was at a block party when the wagon I was in rolled down a hill and launched me into a tree. I don't remember much since I blacked out but I remember recovering in the hospital. When I came home from the hospital my neighborhood threw a party and raised money for my family. I guess that sense community and charity made me want to give back to my community now.
  • Started a food drive at my church

    In second grade CCD my teacher asked ways we could help our community and I suggested a food drive and she basically went "huh yea thats a good idea, let's do it" and a few months later it was organized. The food was delivered by a friend we called "the food dude" but after he died the fire department took over delivering the food. The drive went on for years before the church got a new head last year.
  • first dance recitel

    I remember how absolutely terrified I was. the dance teacher was a family friend and she stood behind the curtains telling us what to do but it didn't matter. we were a class of 3rd graders with barely any dancing experience. I still get those nerves at track races, when I had gymnastic events, when I had cheer competitions but it turned from absolute terror to a mix of nervousness and excitement.
  • hospital walks

    hospital walks
    My family used to participate in the walk for the hospital I was at to raise money. We would make a "team" or of the people we got donations from in the community. One year we were called "Caitlin's Cruisers" and they took a picture of my family on the walk and we made the front cover of the brochure.
  • Running the CYO concession stand

    My mom and I ran the concession stand for our church basketball games every weekend for the whole basketball season (all winter). we stopped because my and my sister stopped playing but since my brother just started I've picked up helping out at a few of his games.
  • my last dance recital

    my last dance recital
    During the dance I sat up at a part everyone had to lay down at. I managed to play it cool and make it semi look like I was supposed to but I can't watch the video without cringing.
  • Biking accident

    this one is actually really funny. Every year my family goes camping with the same 5 families and we have a blast. one time all the kid were on a bike ride around the park. One of my "cousins" were holding up the thing that lifts for cars (called a boom barrier I found out) and he let go before I went through. I didn't have enough time to react and slammed face first into it and had cuts all on my neck from the helmet straps.
  • joining track

    joining track
    This may seem small but track has actually really helped me get my life together. running helps clear my head and I've reconnected and made new friends since joining. Even though I'm not the fastest on the team, everyone makes me feel valued and cheers me on just as much.
  • My dads accident

    My dads accident
    This event took a lot out of me. Since my brother was in college and my mom was with my dad, I had to step up and take care of my siblings. I learned to push through my own emotions and focus on making sure they were ok. Even though I had a million thoughts running through my head and the weeks of school I missed, I managed to maintain my grades.