Caetano - Cognitive and physical evolution

  • Out of my mother's uterus

    Out of my mother's uterus
    Picture from internet (Couldn't have one from my born)
  • Out of hospital

    Out of hospital
    Between August 17th and 27th (2007) , I stayed in the UTI neonatal, in Hospital Regina. I was born earlier, about 1 month before the usual.
  • First words

    First words
    Since that day, I still haven't shutted up!
    (The tiny boy is my cousin!!)
  • First steps!

    First steps!
    I was already walking with 10 or 11 months, but for comparision, my younger brother started running (he doesn't enjoy walking) with less than 10 months!
  • No more diapers!

    No more diapers!
    ( ఠ ͟ʖ ఠ)
    I simply don't have anything to say about that, exept it was a process in the natural or common time.
  • Having less risk at the swimming pool

    Having less risk at the swimming pool
    I started learning how to swim in a place called mobydick. Idk exactly when I started swimming, but I'm sure it was around 3 years. This specific picture, shows me in the summer vacations of 2010-2011, in Natal, RN.
  • Teeth

    Teeth are a very important part of our body, and I can remember it helped me a lot, not just when I got the firsts, but when I started changing!! They also scratch a lot! In the picture I was 3.
  • Riding bycicle

    Riding bycicle
    It was in the middle of the year of 2011, when I took this picture. I was riding a bike. That time, I still was using the small wheels on the aft wheel, to help me in balancing well.
  • Reading

    I love reading, but in fact this picture doesn't show exactly what type of book I really like, I mean, its is just showing I love books since a Toodler, doesn't matter what type of them!
  • Glasses

    I started wearing glasses when I was 5. It was not good for me in the beggining, but I was used to about 6 months later. Although, since there, my disease continued growing and today my degree of myopia is around -5.
  • Study

    I always loved going to school, but until the 10s, I wasn't so intersting in studying. You know, it's common, but the point is, that I believe it was one of the most important cognitive or "mind evolution" until todays... (The picture is from 2020)
  • Writing

    Write is also something I like a lot... I remember one day my classmates and I wrote a book about some puppets about feelings we did! It had even a formal publishing! Idk when I started writing sentences, but I knew how to write names at 5!
  • The growth spurt

    The growth spurt
    This is happening while I'm writting, right now. That's because it happens in the puberty, which I'm passing trough now! Also, there are hair growing up around my faces and body, but it would be weird to show...
  • Mental development

    Mental development
    As the growth spurt, the brain or mental development, is part of the puberty, but it also happens all trough our life. The brain just finishes to grow at the 21. Nowadays, sometimes I feel a bit confused about what I'm feeling, but never had some "chrisis" about my life or even about being at groups. I feel I'm in the right way to pass this phase!