

  • The second clue was COE

    The second clue was COE
    Q.What is the definition of digital citizenship?
    A. Digital Citizenship is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately.
  • The third clue was at the Yellowstone Public Broadcasting KEMC

    The third clue was at the Yellowstone Public Broadcasting KEMC
    Q.Look at, what does this site offer your students?
    A. it is a sitation site for MLA, APA.
  • The fourth clue was front of LA

    The fourth clue was front of LA
    Q. Name one thing you have learned or hand done with your students, teachers, or admin. at your school. explain why it was successful or not.
    A. Amber and I have both used PREZI at our Junior Fields. I found the students were more responsive and engaged into the presentation.
  • The fifth clue is at the Tennis Bubble

    The fifth clue is at the Tennis Bubble
    Q. Who is responsible for teaching digital citizenship at your school?
    A. Teacher
  • The sixth clue was at the Peaks to plains park

    The sixth clue was at the Peaks to plains park
    Q. Is it acceptable or unacceptable for a teacher to record a TV broadcast and show it to the class.
    A. Acceptable as long as it follows the chart reference
  • The seventh clue is at the prymids in front of the gym

    The seventh clue is at the prymids in front of the gym
  • The eighth clue is the book store

    The eighth clue is the book store
    Q. Name three collaborative tools a teacher can use? A. posterous,glogster, en.linoit
  • Ninth Clue Petro hall

    Ninth Clue Petro hall
  • 10th clue ASC

    10th clue ASC
  • 11th clue Mcmullen Building

    11th clue Mcmullen Building
  • The first clue was at the LA building #5

    The first clue was at the LA building #5
    Q. What are the nine elements or themes for digital citizenship?
    A. 1. Digital Access
    2. Digital Commerce
    3. Digital Communication
    4. Digital Literacy
    5. Digital Etiquette
    6. Digital Law
    7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities
    8. Digital Health & Wellness
    9. Digital Security (self-protection):