Cade's Life

  • My birthday

    My birthday
    A legend was born on this day, known as Cade VanDunk. my parents said I was the best looking kid out of all my siblings. They also told me i was bad as a baby.
  • my brother was born

    my brother was born
    Once again, another legend was born. He was a devil as a baby. He also was the biggest cry snout.
  • first baseball game

    first baseball game
    This was my first baseball game. I remember htting the ball off of the tee, and i hated it. I told them that, so they let me hit without a tee.
  • my first bike

    my first bike
    I ended up getting my first bike on my birthday. It had no training wheels because my dad didnt believe in them. I ended up not needing help about a week after we first got the bike.
  • The first fishing pole i got.

    The first fishing pole i got.
    It was the best thing i couldve got because i loved fishing. I always went with my dad and just watched because i wasn't sure how to do it yet. He then got me my first fishing pole and took me fishing and taught me everything i needed to know.
  • first fire arm

    This was the first year i started hunting and I needed my own firearm. Me and my dad went out and bought my first one. My dad ended up being sick, so my mom had to take me to the test and i had to do it all alone.
  • Day i got my hunting lisence.

    Day i got my hunting lisence.
    I went and got my hunting lisence when i was 12 years old. The walk through was easy. It was the test that was a little difficult because you had to rememeber everything from the start of the walk through which was two hours before the actual test.
  • First deer i killed.

    First deer i killed.
    After a long 12 hours of hunting, i finally shot a deer. Once we brought it out of the woods, everybody was congradulating me. I took a picture and hung it up.
  • my first homerun

    my first homerun
    I hit my first homerun when i was 13. I remember the pitcher was one of my good friends too. Everyone highfived me as i rounded the bases also.
  • 8th grade grad

    8th grade grad
    My classmates and I graduated the 8th grade. We had to sing a song as a class. There were many pictures taken.