Local Control Funding until 1970
local control funding based on local property taxes. -
Period: to
CA educational funding history
Serrano v Priest
Court ruled against local control funding based on property taxes "fails to meet the requirements of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution and the California Constitution." -
Serrano II
Legislation response to Serrano I was not sufficient. Too great of funding disparities. -
Serrano III
established a 6 year timetable to fix funding disparities. -
Proposition 13
decreased property taxes to 1975 rate and limited increase to 1%. Also required 2/3 majority for any new taxes. -
Revenue Limit Funding
Because of the decrease in funding from property tax. Legislature made up the funding from the state. -
Proposition 98
Education receives 40% of state budget, but can be frozen during economic downturns. -
CA ranked 50th in per pupil spending
compared to rest of the US. -
Proposition 30
5 year $ 6billion dollar increase to support education. -
Local Control Funding
Change in funding of education. Districts have more control over use of education funding as it is tied to Local Control Accountability Plan