Period: to
French Revolution
Louis XVI Calls the Estates-Genral
Louie gathers all three estates and prepare cahiers or notebooks. Cahiers were calling for reforms such as fairer taxes, freedom of the press, or regular meetings of the Estates-general. Girls started announcing they wanted to leave service when they want. The 3rd estate claimed themselves as the National Assembly. Took their famous Tennis Court Oath. "They swore never to seperate and to meet wherever the circumstances might require until we have established a sound and just constitution. -
Parisians storm the Bastille
Rumors were going around that royal troops were going to occupy the capital. More than 800 parisians assembled outside of the Bastille and demanded weapons and gun powder, the gate keeper refused and opened fire. The crowd broke in and killed the guards and released a hand full of prisoners, they found no weapons. -
National Assembly Acts
Nobles in the National Assembly voted to end their own privelages. The National Assembly turned the reforms and made the equality of male citizens. The Declaration of the Rights of Man is made. They used Locke's government idea. Women were dissappointed that the Declaration of Rights of Man didn't include them. Olympe de Gouges demands equal rights for women. -
Women March to Versailles
Six thousand women marched to Versailles wanting to speak with the king. Marie Antoinette was the center of most of the crowds anger. The woman didn't leave until the king followed their demand-to return to Paris.