
C - French Revolution

By dths
  • The Estate General Meeting

    The Estate General Meeting
    The Estates General meeting was a very big oppurtunity for the poor people of the third estate to finally be heard by the king.On one of the first days of the meeting the King and his delegates announced all of the principals of the meeting.There was only one more solution for financial crisis and that was to make all the people of France to pay the taxes no matter what estate they were from.
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    National Assembly

    The National Assembly,the parliament of France, had 3 branches called the General Estates. Their first session was on June 17, 1789. However, King Louis XVI tried shutting them down, but the assembly swore to stay open until a constitution was formed & accepted. They started working on July 9 until July 12, 1790 when it was passed. There was a time when the king got angry and was suspended. The last meeting was on September 21, 1792 because they accomplished their goal of abolishing law reform.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The tennis court oath was were the third estate discussed for the first time how they felt about the absolute power of the king. It all took place at a tennis court because they locked them out of the room the rented to use. the document thtat they wrote was signed by 577 people only one person didn't sign it.
  • The Storming Of The Batsille

    The Storming Of The Batsille
    Bastille, a large prison in Paris held hundreds of French many believed unjustly imprisoned. On July 14, 1789 mobs of armed Frenchmen stormed it and freed the inmates. To common people, the Bastille stood for tyranny of the absolute monarchy; an attack on injustice and inequality of Old Regime. Its fall showed the people of Paris would be ready to take the lead in the French Revolution.
  • abolishment of feudalism

    abolishment of feudalism
    The third estate was being taxed heavily and those taxes paid for the expensive life's of the 1st and 2nd estate. Hunting was abolished and the only people who could hunt were land owners but the exception was that they had to hunt on their own property. The priests were no longer being paid until provisions were made for paying people minimum wage. The French made a plan that considers that all estates should pay taxes equally. They also abolished slaves.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration tried to give men an overall say in what happens in their lives. It included the right of no taxation without representation and the freedom of speech. This was the foundation for a new government. It was written in 1789 but did not go into affect. Since the King ignored it, it helped lead to the French Revolution.
  • The Women's March of Versailles

    The Women's March of Versailles
    Bread, the staple food for the people in Paris, France in 1789, was becoming more expensive, and people were struggling to feed their families. Women became angered. About 6,000 women violently marched from the marketplace to Versailles, and confronted King Louis XVI about these issues. Many soldiers and some women died. The King was persuaded to go to Paris, and eventually he gave into their demands and decided to live there. The women in Paris became a symbol of power in the French Revolution.
  • The Peasant Revolt

    The Peasant Revolt
    The Peasants too were a part of the French Revolution. They revolted against the government for equality. Before 1789, the nobles and clergy, who were the richer people, were not required to pay taxes. The peasants had ridiculous dues to pay their lords, and in addition they had to pay dues to the Church. The system was built so that the rich stay rich, and that the poor will stay poor. The peasants revolted in order to change that because if they would not take action, no one would for them.
  • The King tries to flee France

    The King tries to flee France
    July 1789 The National Assembly made the French constitution. The King did not want to sign the Constitution so he tried fleeing with his brothers, nobles, and entourage. They would go to Austria to start a military invasion that would stop the National Assembly from establishing the constitution. The King then decided to stay in his country to be with his own people. June 20, 1891 the King reluctantly accepted the French Constitution, forcing him to share power with the National Assembly.
  • The Legislative Assembly

    The Legislative Assembly
    After the National Assembly, The Legislative Assembly was the next attempt at a government for France. They wrote a new constitution where citizens could vote for leaders but the kept the monarchy. This government tries to close the gap between the poor and wealthy, but after a year of no change, the public demanded to switch to a new government, the National Convention, that would protect the citizens’ rights.
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    National Convention

    The National Covention was when the citzens of France demolished the monarchy that had ruled over them for years. The convention dislike the King and ordered his excution on January 21, 1793. The end result of this was a new constitution and the creation of the Directory.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Execution of Louis XVI
    On January 20, 1793, the French National Convention convicts King Louis XVI of conspiracy with foreign powers. The next day he is sentenced to death by guillotine. The French people did not like Marie Antoinette, the queen, due to xenophobia, which cause a lot of rioting. Along with this fear of foreigners was a downward spiraling economy, and about 50% unemployment rate. The common people forced the imprisonment of the monarchs. The next day Louis XVI was executed by guillotine.
  • Committee of Public Safety Formed

    Committee of Public Safety Formed
    The Committee of Public Safety was formed in order to compensate for the lack of proper government during the time of the French Revolution.
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    Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was an event that spanned just over a year, ending in the deaths of roughly 20,000 to 40,000 people via the guillotine. Records were kept but are considered not completely accurate, and therefore the exact number of deaths is unknown. The Reign of Terror started when Robespierre gained power.
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    The Directory

    The Directory was a new format of government created by the constitution in 1795. It was run by five men to avoid dictatorship, and unwarranted democracy. The Directory way overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte, with a helping hand of one of the directory members named Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès.
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    The Consulate

    On November 10th 1799 the Constitution created the consulate which was established with Bonaparte creating the first consul. The Consulate was the government of France linking the downfall of the directory and the coup of 18 Brumaire in 1799.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsia and went to French Military Government School when he was nine. Years later, he was made commander of the French Army in Italy. But after he was no longer commander, he lost respect and was suspected of committing treason. He responded to this by starting a new government called Directory.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor #2

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor #2
    Napoleon created the Napoleonic Code, stating basic laws of daily life. Then, Napoleon was excommunicated for lashing at the Pope Pius for missing his wedding. Once the French invaded Russia, they burned burn food, tools and shelter of French causing Napoleon to lose 470,000 men.
    The Battle of Nations consisted of five armies/half a million men. Napoleons army fought against 300,000 men for three days, low on ammunition and food, but once they reached Elster, 20,000 French troops were trapped
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor #1

    Napoleon Becomes Emperor #1
    On December 2, 1804, Napoleon became emperor of France leading them to defeat many armies. Because of Britain’s size, the French were able to beat them in 1805. In 1806, Napoleon constructed his alliance of Rhine with 100,000 men and attacked Prussia, with 51,000 men. In 1812, Napoleon assembled 450,000 troops to destroy the Russians resulting in Napoleon‘s defeating. Napoleon was abandoned by his French army on April 11, 1814, and was exiled at the island of Elba.
  • Assembly of Jewish Notables

    Assembly of Jewish Notables
    After answering the questions, Napoleon decided that the Jews were worthy of their liberty, but he wanted to make the “laws” official so he later created a Sanhedrin (Jewish court) that established these answers as laws.
  • Assembly of Jewish Notables

    Assembly of Jewish Notables
    Are you allowed to marry more than one wife or a person that is not Jewish? Are you allowed to divorce? What if the French court declares that you may not divorce, is it still allowed? Are Frenchman considered part of the community or are they strangers? Is France considered the country of the Jewish French citizens? Would they defend France? These are a few of the questions that Napoleon asked The Assembly of Jewish Notables.
  • Assembly of Jewish Notables

    Assembly of Jewish Notables
    During the time that Napoleon was in power (the emperor) he wanted the Jews to be equal and to fit in with the people around them, but he did not know if they deserved their freedom. Out of the 70,000 Jews that lived in France, one-hundred-and-one representatives were chosen to answer twelve questions in Paris, which would determine if the Jews were qualified for their emancipation.
  • The French San Hedran

    The French San Hedran
    The Sanhedrin is another name for a Jewish court. The first Sanhedrin was in the Land of Israel when the Holy Temple existed. Napoleon took the old idea of the Sanhedrin and renewed it in France, in order to make the decisions that the Assembly of Jewish Notables pronounced, official. When the Sanhedrin validated the new laws, they would now be followed by the whole Jewish population in France.
  • The French San Hedrin

    The French San Hedrin
    The Sanhedrin consisted of 71 people; 46 rabbis and 25 representatives from the Assembly of Jewish Notables. This was a method that Napoleon used in order to integrate the Jews into the society around them.
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    Napoleon's exile after The Battle of Nations and after The Battle of Waterloo

    In October 1813, the French lost a battle called "Battle of Leipzig," also known as "The Battle of Nations." After this, in 1814, the French participated in many battles, winning and losing a great amount. After a defeat in one battle, Napoleon agreed to surrendering which led to him being exiled to Elba. Napoleon later returned to France in 1815 to later be defeated in "The Battle of Waterloo" in June of 1815. After this defeat Napoleon was again exiled, but to the island of Saint Helena.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna
    The congress of the Great powers of Europe met at Vienna to settle future boundries. The goal of the Congress of Vienna was to establish a new balance of power and to prevent political revoulitions. The congress of vienna was the first serries of meetings to to be known as Concept of Europe.