Emperor Constantine I founded the Byzantine Capital
From "New Rome' roads went through the Balkans, to the middle East and North Africa. During this time the eastern Roman Empire became known as the Byzantine epire. After rising to spectacular heights the Byzantine empire started to decline to a small area around Canstantinople. Years after the fall of Western Roman empire , it promoted brilliant civilization that blened ancient Greek, Roman, and Christain. -
Justinian Becomes Emperor of the Byzantine
Justinain was determined restore ancient Rome by recovering lands that have been overrun by invaders. The general Belisarius, Bytanzine armies conquered Norht Africa, Italy, and the Southern Iberian peninsula. The victories were only temporary. The more important thing other than expanding the empire and rebuilding it's capital is Justinians reform of law. THe result was Corpus Juris Civilus or "Body of Civil Law" which was known as Justinains law. -
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
Belisarius launched with 5,ooo cavalry, decimated the vandal power only a few months and restored the provinces to Byzantine rule. In 535 Belsiarius was sent against Ostrogoths in Italy, and won a number of stunning victories. Belisarius was again sent againts the persians, and was back in Italy to put down another uprising. -
Hagia Sophia Completed
The Hagia Sophia was built in a remakabley short time of about 6 years, and completed in 537. Unusual for the period in which it was built, the names of the buildlings archeitects are Anthemus of tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, are well known as their mechanics, and mathematics. -
Jan 1, 600
Islamic Conquests Parts of the Byzantine Territory
Arab armies gradually gianed control of a lot of the Mediterranean world. The Byzantine Empire stayed strong, and he never gave up on their capital or culture. -
Jan 1, 1025
Emperor Basil II military conquests up to the year 1025
A new trouble had come up increasing independence of territorial magnates in Asia Minor. Bulgaria, profiting by the expulsion of the Russians, was powerful and troublesome under king Samuel -
Jan 1, 1054
Great Schism
Other controversies provkoed a schism, or split between Eastern or Western Christianity. That was known as the Great Schism. THe Byzantine church was known as the Eastern, Greek, Or Orthodox church. The Western were known for the branch of the Roman Catholic Church. Contacts between both churches were gauded and distant. They treated each other as rivals. -
Jan 1, 1095
Emperor Alexios I and Pope Urban II
Byzantine emperor Alexios I comnenus presented Urban with a request for help agianst the Turks. Pope Urban II's response was to preach the first Crusade. Urbans proclamation was given in french. -
Jan 1, 1204
Fourth Crusade (attack on Constantinople)
Venetain merchatns persuaded knights on the Fourth Crusade to attack Constantinople. For 3 days Crusades had burned and also plundered the city, sending treasure westward. Western Christains had ruled Constantinople for 57 years. The empire never recovered when Byzantine emperor reclaimed the capital in the 1260's. Venetian merchants gained control of Byzantine trade, draining the wealth of the empire. -
Jan 1, 1453
End of the Byzantines
Ottoman forces surrounded the city of Constantinople. They brought cannons to attack the city's walls. yzantine defenders had stratched a huge chain across the harbor to protect against invasion. The turks hauled their ships overland and launched them into the harbor. After 2 months the turks stormed Constantinoples broken walls. Forces led by Ottoman ruler Mehmet II entered the city in triumph. The city was renamed Istanbul. Haiga Sophia was an Islamic worship.