Emperor Constantine
The first Emperor of the Byzantine empire. Started the construction os the capital Constintanople. -
Period: 330 to Oct 2, 1453
Byzantine Empire
Emperor Justinian
Justinian became the emperor in 527 AD and lasted 45 years. He gained power after his uncle had died before he was emperor he was co-emperor. During his reign as emperor there was a civil unrest, and the people burned down many religous buildings. Justinian sent out a large military conquest to regain the regions he had lost. JUstinian die in 565 AD. -
Hagia Sophia Completed
Finally the Hagia Sophia is completed after a series of attacks. Te Hagia Sophia was first dedicated in 360 AD. Then it was destroyed during a riot 404 AD. They built up a second one after that one was destroyed that was rebuilt in 415 AD. Then that one was destroed in the NIka Revolt of 532, then it was completed in 537. -
General Belisarius Military Campagins
Belisarius was the last importanty military member of the Byzantine empire. He started as a body guard for justinian, then made his way up to commander. He won his first laurels on the mesopotaimian fronts. By the end of his life he was a general and led imperial armies against the persians, the Vandal kindom of North Africa, the Ostrogothic regime of Italy, and the many Barbarian tribes. Sadly he died in 565 AD -
Oct 6, 700
Islamic Conquests
The muslims try to expand their religion. Mohammed dies in 632 AD. When Mohammed died only parts of africa were muslim. After 2 years the entire punnisula was muslim. The MUslims try to make constentinople Muslim but failed. -
Oct 6, 1025
Emperor Basil II
Basil II gained his power in 976 AD. Is a very well known emperor for expanding the Byzantine empire to the Balkans. Before basil could take the thrown he had to overthrow two generals including his great uncle. Basil II died in 1025. -
Oct 6, 1054
Great Schism
The great schism is the the final Sheraton between the eastern chirstian churches and the western church. This casued excommunications between the pope and the patriarch. -
Oct 6, 1095
Emperor Alexios and Pope Urban II
The emperor and pope during the first crusade. Alexios went to pope urban for help. Pope urban told him to preach the Turks. -
Oct 6, 1204
Fourth Crusade
Constantinople is attacked. After Constantinople is attacked the Latin empire of Constantinople is formed. The Byzantinians were never able to fully recover from this attack. -
Oct 6, 1453
End of Byzantines
1453 AD was the end of the Byzantine empire which ruled from 330-1453. The Byzantine empire is taken by the ottomans.