Byzantine Timeline

  • Period: 300 to Sep 15, 1500

    Byzantine Timeline

  • 330

    Constantine founds Constantinople

    Constantine founds Constantinople
    After winning a battle against Maxentius, he conquered the western empire in 312. After many decisions, Constantine decided to place his capital directly over the old city, Byzantium. He chose this spot for it's cultural and economic advantages, as well as it being easy to defend due to its location.
  • 532

    Nika Revolt

    Nika Revolt
    This week long riot was located in Constantinople, it resulted in thousands of deaths all over the city. The cause was chariot racing, but more specifically the political issues brought up after. The riots ceased after the emperor Justinian executed Hypatius who was attempting to overthrow him, and all the senators supporting him.
  • 533

    Belisarius military campaigns

    Belisarius military campaigns
    Belisarius was for a time the greatest ranked general in Constantinople. The Emperor Justinian of the city trusted him to lead the military into several important projects, they included events like the Vandalic war, Gothic war, and the depositioning of Pope Silverius.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia

    Hagia Sophia
    A large cathedral built in Constantinople. First built as an enormous shrine to the wisdom of God, but over time was reconquered and destroyed several times due to riots. In the end, it was finally ordered to be made bigger and better than ever before by the emperor Justanian.
  • Sep 15, 634

    Early Islamic military campaigns

    Early Islamic military campaigns
    The Islamic military slowly took over Byzantine land with stronger forces then the Byzantine. They had several crucial conquests that brought them to greater power, like invasions on Syria, Egypt, and Persia.
  • Sep 16, 986

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria

    Emperor Basil II military conquests of Bulgaria
    Emperor Basil was a very experienced and successful military leader, he learned from his mistakes early on after being ambushed by the Bulgarians. After that, he was creative with new battle strategies. He first slowly overtook the Bulgarian land, and then captured 1,5000 Bulgarians in a battle during 1014, although they were handled cruelly, after a few years accepted Basil's ruling.
  • Sep 14, 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    This was the time period of splitting in the Roman Catholic Church, mostly due to popes' difference in belief in politics, culture, and theologically. It resulted in a divide between the Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism.
  • Sep 16, 1095

    Emperor Alexios contacts pope for military help

    Emperor Alexios contacts pope for military help
    Emperor Alexius of the Byzantines contacted Pope Urban II for help rousing the people and fighting back for the Christian's "Holy land". The pope gave an important speech to the European Christians in attempt to unite them and inspired them to reclaim the land from the Muslims. This act led to several more Crusades to come.
  • Sep 15, 1202

    Fourth Crusade

    Fourth Crusade
    This crusade was originally intended to attack Jerusalem, ordered by the Pope innocent lll. Although the plan was altered after political clashing along with the Venetians, instead they viciously attacked Constantinople and sacked the city.
  • Sep 15, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, led by Mehmed the Conquerer. It took 53 days for the city to be completely taken over, and resulted in nearly 4,000 deaths before the seige was considered finished. The overtaking of Constantinople is important because it is considered the end of the Roman Empire.